


A我是一个报道流媒体广告方面的局外人, 我试着让专家用通俗易懂的英语解释这是怎么回事, 哪些趋势是重要的, 什么是技术?, 以及我们为什么要关心. 几年过去了,我仍然几乎不知道该说什么.


据CTV公司Innovid报道, 基于电通和eMarketer的数据, 全球2000亿美元的电视广告支出, 150亿到200亿美元将用于CTV. 那么,怎样才能给央视带来更多的资金呢? “透明度,”innovid的首席技术官Tal Chalozin说.

But it doesn’t seem like it’s in a lot of companies’ interest to be transparent. 他们应该在定价上保持透明吗? 测量?
频率限制? 有太多相互竞争的利益, and there’s not enough incentive to make everyone play nice with each other.

Innovid拥有一个有价值的利基市场,并且正在蓬勃发展, 不考虑技术上的复杂性, 测量, 欺诈, 或者频率封顶. 该公司, 该公司于2021年12月在纽约证券交易所以CTV的名义上市, 它有几个功能:它有一个广告服务器,
一个交互性产品,以及度量能力. “We provide a connected televi­sion media orchestration system,” says Cha­lozin. “这实际上是一种针对买方的广告服务技术.”

或者,换句话说,Innovid正在与投放广告的品牌合作. “[In 2021,我们同比增长了30%, 我们总收入的45%来自联网电视,查洛津说. 除了, Innovid acquired TV­Squared in March 2022 to gain a bigger foothold in the European markets and to help the company increase its expertise in TV 测量, the much-sought-after nirvana that will deliver the ultimate viewing metric: multiplatform data that merges linear TV with CTV.


在以前被称为电视的产品上投放广告很容易. 只有一种广告形式. 有一个一致的广告技术平台. 尼尔森根据外推法给出了一个粗略的估计
panel data to show the potential reach of viewing patterns measured in gross rating points.
信号发出,广告包含在内,你就知道自己的影响范围了. 作为一个局外人, 我得说这听起来不太准确, 但这是公认的交易衡量标准.

There have been complaints for years that ad reporting in streaming should be more like that for TV, but I’m not so sure TV advertising was the golden child everyone thinks it was. 我们今天只是有不同的问题, 由技术创新带来的, 与许多, 方程中有更多的端点. 现在的问题是如何在多平台环境中获得持续的购买, 其中每个环境与下一个环境略有不同, 需要不同的技术方法, 并提供不同的报告数据.

One of the reasons for the bad rap advertising gets is the dreaded multiples of the same ad. 一个家庭可以在Roku设备上观看Hulu,也可以观看NBC的内容, and then you will see almost back to back an ad sold by Roku and an ad sold by Hulu and an ad sold by NBC,查洛津说. “所以你通过三大供应商购买媒体, but it’s not clear that [as a brand running your advertisements] you’re getting three different instances of a stream, 更不用说三个不同的家庭了.”

这是一个有效的观点, but the problem with a famous brand’s ad appearing three times comes from how many delivery points there are, 广告是如何买卖的, and the fact that there’s no way right now to really track what’s being shown. This won’t change until either universal ad tracking is put in place and used by everyone or the method of buying inventory changes.


“客户想知道, 如果我在多个地方花钱, 每个媒体实体的独特贡献是什么,查洛津说. “A lot of marketers are saying it’s extremely hard to understand that overlap between all of the different systems.”

本质上, the problem facing each and every brand is figuring out what to do with the data they are obtaining from multiplatform campaigns—different flavors of CTV, 移动, 桌面, 和广播. Innovid提供自我
服务分析和定制咨询. “我们肯定会给客户一个仪表盘. 我们做报告. 我们还有, 对于大客户来说, 一个团队,帮助他们破译并从数据中获得见解,查洛津说. Innovid also has partnerships with third-party providers for services like identity management, 审计, 欺诈检测, 还有一些我们还没讲到的.


It’s hard for me to understand the difference between real and imagined problems in this industry. 过了一会儿, 我只是心不在焉, 因为我们从一个特定的, 可以解决的问题,只是事情的运作方式.

My request is to talk about solutions and speak about them in a practical way that everyone can understand. 在我写过的所有科技产品中, 广告技术是最重要的技术之一,因为它能带来收入, 但它似乎也比其他任何领域产生了更多的抱怨. And if you can’t speak about problems in a concrete, evidence-based way, I can't help you.

我不确定广告是否会变得更加透明. 这就像把牌放在桌上打扑克一样. However, the best thing the ad-tech industry can do is to pitch a better story. Think of it as creating ads for what and why our readers need to know about what you do. 这将大大提高这一地区的覆盖率. There’s a lot of technology, and then there's the larger discussion of advertising as a whole. 首先,试着把科技故事写下来. 然后我们可以研究广告本身的本质.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


广告购买正在改变. 例如, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.


对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, VP and general manager of data and addressable enablement at Comcast Advertising, about a question that lands firmly on the deterministic side: "What is addressable advertising?" The term "addressable" refers to targeting digital 和广播 inventory and being able to buy audience segments on a household level.


现在,广告收入正通过购买CTV从广播转向数字, maybe we need to accept that the 测量 standards for digital 和广播 are always going to differ.


互联网培养了人们不断做出改变的能力, so how come national broadcast advertising is still being transacted in the upfronts (the same format that started in 1962), which require an annual dollar and audience-reach commitment in advance to buy and sell advertising?


去年11月在流媒体西部, 我主持了一个关于如何保持广告工作流程流畅的小组讨论. The discussion yielded a number of valuable insights on the state of streaming advertising, including 5 key takeaways on the biggest challenges we face with advertising in the OTT world today.

Comcast Report Suggests Advertisers Spend Up To a Third of Their Budget on CTV

Advertisers are advised to use a combination of tactics to achieve their goals: Reach more potential buyers with traditional data-driven TV and then use addressable advertising as a tactic to reach those more likely to buy sooner.


在一天结束的时候, the goal in having publishers extend their content offerings to the CTV medium is to prime themselves for the future—to continue to grow their audience and diversify their content in a way that will have impact, 和共鸣. 现在是迈出这一步的时候了.


广告技术很可怕. 这里有一些解决广告填充的方法, 多播分布, 监控, 上下文广告插入, 分析, 需求, 供应方面,帮助你活着出去


CTV is shaping TV's transformation and putting pressure on the need for 测量 innovation in the age of converged TV. 度量创新必须处于这一转变的中心, 并重新定义我们对电视的评价, 从线性和流媒体使用的通用指标, to how we create a more interoperable ecosystem that delivers value to us all, 从观众到广告商和出版商.          


OTT广告技术正处于十字路口, as brands work to build relationships with consumers without alienating them. 以下是广告科技行业面临的一些最大问题, 以及一些可能的答案.


随着广告支持的观看量的增长, 该行业面临着三个关键挑战:隐私, 工作流碎片, 和规模