


在这个流媒体的世界里,我们不是一直处于悬崖边上吗?) of advanced real-time collaboration and the melding of traditional video workflows with new, 实时工具. 昨晚, I was in a hotel room in Seattle using my phone's hotspot over LTE to tech-direct a live-streaming event for one of my clients. 所有的技术障碍都在预料之中,应急措施也都在计划之中. I wasn't going to do a traditional video switch on my laptop or use dedicated video switcher hardware in my studio office. 我们建立了一个运行Windows 11和vMix的Amazon Web Services (AWS)实例, 通过Microsoft Remote Desktop控制实例. 值得庆幸的是, 我只需要几兆的上下流量, 因为AWS实例完成了所有繁重的工作, 两个小时的活动非常成功. 

So where and how does "real time" fit into your workflows in this "COVID and beyond" era? 就像全球战争加速了整形外科等医学的进步一样, COVID促使我们所有在流媒体工作的人重新思考, 创新, 优化, 重建我们日常职责的许多组成部分. 

大公司也意识到了这一点. Adobe刚刚宣布了1美元.275 十亿 收购 Frame.io,一个视频编辑协作服务. Last year, Verizon acquired BlueJeans Network, a real-time conferencing platform, for $400 million. 今年夏天, Zoom在其桌面会议应用程序中添加了NDI支持, allowing remote contributor feeds into any NDI-enabled video switcher to be more easily shared. 实时流cdn,如Millicast, nanocosmos, 冻山, and Wowza Streaming Cloud are growing at a faster pace than ever and are constantly adding new features to address the needs of their customers. 这样的例子不胜枚举. It's hard for me to keep track of how many people have approached me during the last 18 months for advice on building out new real-time collaboration tools or enhancing existing systems with the injection of real-time data. 

随着您和您公司服务的发展, keep in mind that you don't need to focus on a quick sellout of your company as so many have attempted to do since the inception of the "dot-com" business world. There are real dollars to be made without raising millions and pouring nearly all of it into R&D. 如果你正在看这个专栏, 机会是, you have existing clients and services that could benefit from some aspect of real-time collaboration or data services. While I've already written other columns that discuss project planning and "build-or-buy" approaches to tech development, 以下是我列出的实时开发需要考虑的重要因素:

  1. 开源不是“免费的”." 虽然有许多开放源代码库可以支持实时应用程序, 例如FFmpeg和Janus WebRTC Server, you'll need to have the developer chops to make those tools work with your own services. You won't likely launch a new service from scratch within 30 days using open source if your dev teams aren't familiar with the trials and tribulations of WebRTC, 视频和音频编解码器转码, 等等....... 
  2. 利用其他供应商提供的现有实时服务. Most real-time streaming CDNs have intentionally built their platforms to address a wide range of business requirements for their customers. While some price tags for monthly enterprise services may seem steep to small or startup businesses, there's a lot to be said for everything you get with those monthly subscriptions: software development kits, 应用程序编程接口文档, 支持服务, 技术栈管理. 
  3. 云是多种多样的,而不是单一的实体. Admittedly, the vast majority of the cloud development my team and I perform is on AWS. 但是有许多公司可能会提供更便宜的托管服务和服务器, 比如谷歌计算引擎, 微软Azure, DigitalOcean, 液体网络, Vultr, 和更多的. Be sure to explore the best “bang for the buck” to stretch your development dollars.
  4. 制定一个长期的路线图.最后一点我再怎么强调也不为过. Too many of my single stakeholder clients feel they need to own the IP of everything they want from Day 1, and I firmly believe that this is largely impractical and nearly impossible for most small businesses and startups to achieve. Get your proof of concept (PoC) for new services up and running as the first phase in the road map, 利用任何现成的百家乐软件, 并且有尽可能多的“所知道的”(第6节). “未知”). 在你完成PoC之后, head into Phase 2 and define your MVP (minimally viable product) to get to market as soon as possible, 再次利用和借鉴其他供应商的服务. 然后, 如果有必要的话, build a plan to take over and assume the responsibilities that other services were providing in Phase 2. 

I hope you're as excited as I am about the near- and long-term potential of our real-time streaming media tech.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


These days, the cost and technological barriers to live streaming are few are far between. 罗伯特•莱因哈特 outlines some reasons why organizations may still hesitate to live stream their events, 他说明了为什么这些理由是错误的. He breaks down the ways that even events with small budgets can still produce high-quality live streams.


无论人工智能的发展如何,你如何保持你的技能的相关性和有用性, 机器学习(ML), 或者在任何与您在流媒体中的角色相关的过程中实现更高级的自动化? 无论你是经验丰富的老手还是刚刚开始你的职业生涯, 我建议为来年设定五个目标.


超宇宙会有腿吗? Will the headsets currently in use suffer a fate similar to the PocketPC precursors to the smartphones we know and love today? Only time—and a lot more investment in tech by a wider range of companies and individuals—will tell.


不要只看炒作和猴子. 非功能性测试, 区块链, and other elements of the new decentralized web—Web3—have serious implications for video creators and publishers.


长期以来,全球范围的实时流媒体一直是直播的圣杯, and a new 流媒体 survey looks to gain insight into both the current state of real-time streaming and where it's headed in the near future, 尤其是在体育和博彩方面.


Suffice it to say that Web­RTC is finally out of kindergarten and moving into the elementary grades. 到底是哪个等级? 好吧, that likely depends on which web browser you're using and which server technology or platform your Web­RTC implementation uses.


VideoRx CTO 罗伯特•莱因哈特 discusses how using various server-side architectures with WebRTC is like to play out, 无论是公开课程, 商业/许可服务器, 或者云服务, 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO 罗伯特•莱因哈特 discusses client-side architecture issues and pain points unique to WebRTC 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO 罗伯特•莱因哈特 discusses WebRTC's emergence as a low-latency option for one-to-many streaming, and the challenges of scaling it in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West Connect.
