
From Remote to On-Prem Events: The Pendulum Swings

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Before COVID, corporate streaming was slowly growing, as executives, marketers, 活动策划者意识到并不是每个人都能办好所有的活动, and there’s a larger audience out there that wants to be involved, 但可能无法投入时间或金钱亲自参加活动. And some people didn’t want to travel at all.

When COVID hit in 2020, in-person events, globally, were shut down. After some months, 活动组织者和在大流行之前举行过季度和年度会议以及公开产品发布会的公司意识到,这些活动仍然必须举行. 全世界的公众仍然想要或者需要知道到底发生了什么, 慢慢地朝着流媒体的方向摇摆的钟摆被全速猛击. 所有这些活动都必须流式传输,并包括远程演示者, disparate audiences, the using public, or internal CDNs. Things got very busy for streaming producers, streaming tool manufacturers, and cloud service providers.

然后,到了2022年初,钟摆又回到了完全相反的方向. Event producers, company HR managers, church pastors, etc., 想要“培养面对面的联系”,并积极避开流媒体,转而“鼓励”人们面对面交流. 他们说,重建在COVID期间失去的个人关系非常重要. Many people still didn’t want to board planes, trains, or buses and be seated with hundreds of others for an entire day. 但即使是那些在CO-VID之前慢慢扩大会议流媒体部分的客户也不再给我们打电话了.

Part of the reason is that online meeting tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Webex became essential during COVID. 对新功能的需求激增,解决方案提供商做出了回应. 那些功能有限、音效糟糕的笨重工具变得更加强大了吗. Now they can highlight/pin multiple speakers, do picture-in-picture and overlays, blur out messy rooms for privacy, provide high-quality sound, and deliver Full HD video.

These meeting apps became capable streaming event production tools. 他们增加了注册、日程安排、会议区域、聊天等活动功能. In time, 他们提供的流媒体解决方案比外部公司在COVID之前提供的更复杂.

So, what happens next? 负责策划公司会议的IT和营销人员会继续主持虚拟秀吗? Will churches and organizations continue to provide hybrid services? 大型赛事是否会继续引入外部公司来进行流媒体直播, 或者他们会满足于商务聊天应用提供的新高级功能吗?

I, for one, 将软件解决方案在COVID期间的快速增长视为为那些由于缺乏内部专业知识而不情愿引入外部服务的组织提供“足够好”的服务. Now, 在笔记本电脑上插上一个像样的摄像头和麦克风,效果也不错, and COVID’s demands provided the time to make it work.

但我也看到,市场上有更大一部分人认识到直播制作很难,不得已走上了聊天应用的道路. 它是复杂和令人困惑的,而且很多时候,它并不像你期望的那样工作. Mixing good live audio is a mystifying process to many, as is delivering good lighting, adjusting compression bitrates, managing networks, and interfacing with IT for bandwidth and QoS, redundancy, and backups. It all comes with experience. 许多在COVID期间被迫在内部提供这些服务的人将很乐意将工作交还给专家.

The pendulum has swung back away from streaming for a brief period, but COVID opened millions of eyes to the power, capability, and convenience of streaming—for the providers and the attendees. 它也帮助很多人意识到这并不像看起来那么容易. 在不久的将来,我看到的最终结果是将钟摆推向更多的流媒体——以及更多种类的流媒体.

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