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Buyer's Guide: Light Kits

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This article appears in the February/March issue of Streaming Media magazine, the annual Streaming Media Industry Sourcebook. In these Buyer's Guide articles, 我们并不声称涵盖某一特定类别的所有产品或供应商, 而是为我们的读者提供他们需要的信息来做出明智的购买决定, 有时使用特定的供应商或产品作为这些功能和服务的范例.

百家乐软件app最新版下载可以购买的最关键的东西之一是灯光套件. In this article, 我将解释在选择灯具套件时需要考虑的因素,并告诉你什么时候花3美元是有意义的,000 rather than $150.

Let's start with some assumptions. First, 我假设你对灯光设计和流媒体制作比较陌生, 你正在寻找一个主要用于说话头制作的照明套件, whether for video blogging, corporate announcements, or client testimonials. 你不是要照亮整个房间,而是要确保你的脸被充分照亮.

Second, you're looking for a kit that's reasonably portable, rather than a system to install in a room. Finally, 你的预算至少是150美元,你想买一个套件,而不是自己做一个.

On page 2 of this article, you'll find a features table comparing five different light kits, from $150 to almost $3,000.

Lighting for Streaming

让我们从定义和详细说明功能表中的项的一些基础知识开始. When you're starting out, consider lighting along a continuum. 最重要的是,照明是足够的,让您拍摄零或最小增益在您的摄像机. Once this is accomplished, you can start thinking about the art of lighting, 是否为那戏剧性的客户感言提供朦胧的三点照明, 或者在首席执行官公布季度收益时,用轻微的阴影来“模仿”她的脸. 

When lighting for streaming, 通常,你应该使用柔和的光线,在阴影周围创造柔和的边缘,并尽量减少皱纹等细节. You can create soft lighting two ways; by using a soft light source like fluorescent bulbs, 通过在一个软盒子里扩散像钨灯泡这样的强光,或者通过在雨伞或其他表面反射光线. 我讨论的所有光套件都能够产生柔和的光.

For maximum flexibility, you need at least three lights, one to serve as the key light, one as fill light, and one as back or hair light, and all kits in the features table have at least three lights. 你可以谷歌三点照明百家乐软件,详细说明这些灯是如何放置的. With a three light kit, you can create dark, contrasty shadows for that customer testimonial, or perfectly flat lighting for a news announcement. If you plan on producing green screen footage, or shooting against a white background, 你至少需要两个额外的柔和灯光来照亮背景. Again, 谷歌这些技术,你会发现大量的百家乐软件,详细的照明位置和方向.

灯光的色温很重要,因为在拍摄中混合灯光温度可能是一场灾难. You can color correct for any single temperature, either on your camera or in post, but if you're buying a kit to match existing lights, make sure they produce the same color temperature. 最安全的做法是选择一个不依赖现有光源就能提供充足光线的套件, 所以你可以关闭阴影和/或关闭现有的灯和拍摄,而不用担心混合色温. 功能表中的所有套件都可以为一个或两个主体产生足够的光线, but if you're looking to light a larger area, you'll need more lights.

Features to Consider

With this as background, let's take a closer look at the features table, starting with enclosure type. 正如您所看到的,软箱在使用单个或多个软箱的五个套件中占主导地位. By way of background, a softbox is an enclosure around the bulb that focus the light, 通过前面的漫射材料投射出柔和的光线. 软箱由柔性杆构成,连接到后面灯具周围的环上, 以及外壳上的挂钩或其他连接器,它们可以分散软盒织物并使其保持紧绷.

Though simple in design, 设置一个软箱通常需要大量的力量,因为你把杆夹进织物的放置支架, and can take five or ten minutes. 与荧光灯灯具相比,使用软箱可能会增加15分钟的安装和拆卸时间, and, like cheap tents, 特别是便宜的软箱,在它们开始损坏或以其他方式损坏之前,可能只有不到25或30个设置的使用寿命. For this reason, 最好购买便宜的软盒套件,如果它们可以设置一次半永久使用, rather than for continuous portable use.

In the center of the features table, the Lowel DV Creator 44 光套件是在荧光灯革命之前创建的传统套件,特别是紧凑型荧光灯. 它混合了四种不同的钨灯类型和下面讨论的方向控制, 使用软箱和伞式反射器来创建流媒体制作推荐的柔和灯光.

我包含了这个Lowel套件,因为灯光为流媒体制作提供了基础, but also the controls for more nuanced and artistic lighting. For example, you can create hard, intense lighting if that's desired, a dramatic spotlight, or easily change light color with gels. None of this is easily possible with the other kits.

Tungsten vs. Fluorescent

Next up is bulb type, either tungsten or fluorescent. 钨的主要优点是一个灯泡能发出大量的光, but that light burns very hot, which consumes power, overheats your subjects, 延迟拆除,直到灯泡冷却,需要特殊处理. 相比之下,凉爽的荧光灯更容易,但不会产生那么多的光.

How do fluorescent lights compare to tungsten in lighting output? In their product specs on the B&H website, 洛维尔说,Trio套件中的三个55瓦荧光灯泡可以产生“大约2000W的传统钨丝灯(在6英尺远的距离上发出119英尺蜡烛的光)——总共可以使用app。. 6000W of light output.“这意味着你将荧光瓦乘以12,以近似钨丝照明功率, which sounds high to me. On their web site, 韦斯科特表示,他们的照明套件的500瓦输出提供了“2100瓦的等效输出”," a four to one ratio that sounds closer to the mark. Fortunately, 你可以把荧光灯移得更近,而不会有一级烧伤的危险, which helps even the score a bit. 

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