
HaiVision/Video Furnace Merger Brings Live HD Streaming to the Forefront

流媒体软件和硬件解决方案的结合一直有点薄弱——大多数公司在其中一个方面做得很好, but not both. As a result, 为经销商渠道设计的软件和硬件产品通常需要产品制造商提供大量的操作或专业服务, or an almost insurmountable amount of education on the reseller's part.


One example, in the H.264 realm, is that streaming products—which arguably do a better job than H.264个类似的视频会议产品——已经落后于视频会议产品的销售速度, 因为流媒体产品通常是作为自定义安装解决方案而不是低延迟呈现的, 即使没有编解码器和网络拓扑的博士学位,经销商也可以销售高质量的交钥匙解决方案.

Which brings us to an interesting merger: In an interview on Tuesday, 我有机会与海视科技(HaiVision)和Video Furnace的主要参与者进行了交谈,因为他们制定了合并战略,以及他们如何看待合并对H市场的影响.264 solutions marketplace.

Noting that HaiVision has been known for its hardware solutions, 而Video Furnace则专注于围绕服务器解决方案和流媒体播放器的软件解决方案, Joe Gaucher, Video Furnace founder and HaiVision’s new CTO, 他说,他认为这次合并是将先进的硬件和软件专业知识结合起来的一种方式.

"We feel that the combination will be unmatched in the industry," said Gaucher, “我们的经销商渠道的重叠提供了一个机会,利用这种组合,将先进的IP视频解决方案推向市场."

The new company will be headquartered in Montreal, 魁北克, 更名为海视网络视频,体现视频炉强大的企业影响力. Terms of the deal between the two private companies were not revealed.

“我们的集成合作伙伴和客户对在这个分散的市场空间拥有单一供应商解决方案感到非常兴奋," said Mirko Wicha, president and CEO of HaiVision Network Video. “美国和欧洲市场的解决方案提供商已经找到了我们两家公司,并将我们的产品与各种现场测试的解决方案相结合, 因此,单一供应商方法允许我们加速新解决方案的交付."

视频炉也有一个机顶盒(STB),已被各种客户使用,包括美国.S. Department of Defense applications, 因此,合并后的公司正在讨论的直接好处之一是海视编码器和视频炉机顶盒的结合.

"Video Furnace supports the MAKO-HD H.264高清网络馈送到VF-STB,”海视营销副总裁Peter Maag说. "The VF-STB, which can be centrally managed and scheduled with the VF Station Manager, supports live video distribution of up to 1080p and WXGA, 为数字标牌提供解决方案,消除专有架构并集中创意标牌百家乐软件."

随着全国广播协会(NAB)和信息通信展览会的临近, 吸引了大量AV集成和广播领域的经销商, 我问他是否会继续出现在这些展会和流媒体展会上.

"We look forward to a continued presence at all those shows," said Maag, “我们的综合解决方案意味着我们将直接进入流媒体领域,提供经销商和最终用户可以理解和接受的解决方案。."

Part of that vision requires integration between the two companies' products, and CEO Wicha said that is a top priority.

"In Q2 2009, 我们预计整个视频炉系统将支持网络附加视频, specifically H.264 up to HD 1080p," said Wicha. "This means archive, 记录, video-on-demand and the InStream player, coupled with the hardware encoders, 将为企业部署提供端到端的高清视频IP分发系统."

受访者还重申,由于技术原因,合并很容易发生, 因为海视和视频炉都高度认可坚持H.264标准贯穿于多年的产品开发和实施.

该公司计划将重点放在四个已经取得成功的关键市场上. Besides the enterprise market, 视频炉的流已经实现为一个“零足迹”的播放器,不需要加载桌面应用程序观看, 两家公司都指出,政府和军事应用一直是其产品的强劲市场, and that they expect that to continue after the merger.

在这方面,我提出的一个担忧是,一家总部位于蒙特利尔的公司向美国电视公司提供高清流媒体产品的问题.S. Department of Defense. 威查指出,海视科技的产品已经在美国的所有分支机构得到了大量使用.S. military, and that Canada's role as the largest trading partner with the U.S. had significant precedent in U.S. military procurement.


Gaucher表示:“我们已经看到,我们的联合解决方案可以降低成本. "We can connect operating rooms, 实验室, and conference facilities together, while also enabling video to the desktop, centralized 记录ing, remote review, and Internet streaming. In some instances, 我们已经能够与经销商合作,向潜在客户展示与传统的自动驾驶基础设施相比,他们如何将成本降低50%以上."

而在过去的几天里,CDN领域已经宣布了其他几项合并, as noted on Dan Rayburn's blog, this is one to watch in the software-hardware delivery space.

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