


MPEG破折号为自适应流提供了简化结束和传输的承诺, 但这一承诺仍需数年才能实现. 在最近的流媒体东部会议的红毯采访中, 罗伯特•莱因哈特, 发明家, VideoRX他说,问题在于让主要参与者同意.

"Let's just say Apple continues with HLS and that's all they do for adaptive streaming and they are like "Eh, MPEG破折号, 我们并不真的需要它, 我们已经有了自己的解.莱因哈特说:“但是我们仍然有两个流媒体标准. “两个比我们目前拥有的要好, 也就是Adobe, 微软, 苹果都在推出自己的自适应流媒体清单。”

MPEG破折号的未来是会议上的一个热门话题, 莱因哈特很喜欢一位演讲者的观点:

“我喜欢Akamai的Will Law的这句话,他在这里的MPEG破折号面板上, he said that all the adaptive streaming specifications are 80% similar and 100% incompatible with each other,莱因哈特说. "I love that because they all pretty much do the same thing 正确的 and they do it almost the same way with the video. 他们对视频进行了分割,大多数人都团结在H.264,这只是对这些东西如何包装的不同规范,对吧?,但本质上结构是一样的."


特洛伊德雷尔: 大家好,我是特洛伊德雷尔, StreamingMedia的高级副编辑.在纽约流媒体东部的红毯上为你播报. 现在和我在一起的是罗伯特·莱因哈特,他是编码和托管公司VideoRX的发明者. 因为你是我们的HTML5专家之一, 让我们从一个简单的问题开始, HTML5对视频内容所有者意味着什么?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: I guess I could start with a broad generic case for HTML5 video and what it would mean to the vast majority of my clients is to center around H.264并将其作为选定的收购对象, 生产输出编解码器和使用回放技术支持. 大多数人都知道,HTML5不支持H.264年持续, 但是在不被支持的地方, 我们仍然有退路,比如可以播放H的Flash播放器.264.

特洛伊德雷尔: 现在, I was going to ask you about how those who want to take advantage of HTML5 can prepare their content for it, 我想你已经回答了这个问题. 在为HTML5准备内容时,人们还应该做些什么?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: 如果你的网站上只有几段视频, 即使你经常更新它, 比方说,这是一个营销视频,这基本上就是你要做的视频, 我并不是说这不算多, but if you only have a few pieces of video that you have to maintain regularly for any kind of forward-facing website, 编码成HTML5支持的所有格式是很有意义的, 正确的? 从H开始.264年的基础, Main, WebM, 甚至还有Theora,如果你想疯的话,因为你没有太多的内容需要管理, 正确的?为什么不把它放在所有这些格式中,这可能会使一个异常值成为可能,对吧? 因为当我们谈到观众时, 我们主要讨论的是核心用户,然后是异常值? 我们不想让人觉得我们把人们排除在我们的内容之外, 那就给我看看谁在看WebM视频的商业案例, 是用火狐的人吗, 谁没有在桌面上安装过Flash, 这是一个罕见的用例, 正确的. 我确信它存在, but if you look -- and this is what I tell my stakeholders in any of the consultations that I do is to look at your analytics. 你的分析告诉你什么? 我的意思是, we are lucky that this conversation around HTML5 today is 10 years from when all this first started 正确的? 我们犯了十年的错误,大多数人, 如果他们没有任何分析数据,我会感到惊讶, 正确的? 如果你没有任何分析来知道谁在访问你的网站, 好吧 let's start with that first; let's start capturing data of who is just coming to my site in general and so then you can start to make informed decisions. 像大多数利益相关者一样, when it comes to video content can easily find out who their audience is even if they are not capturing that data, 现在他们可以开始了, 甚至在一个月内, they would probably have enough data to know how to properly build a video solution that would cater to people going to their offering.

特洛伊德雷尔: 对于你提到的那些政府客户,HTML5难道不是备选方案吗?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: 我指的是HTML5和Flash, 我的意思是,你会先检测哪一种,你会把哪一种定位为初始产品, 这实际上取决于您为部署选择什么. 比如,我是自适应流媒体的忠实粉丝. So, if a client comes to me wanting adaptive streaming or we've worked out after discovering that adaptive streaming is what is going to best suit their audience, 那么你的选择就有限了? Adaptive streaming is only -- 正确的 now you have iOS with HLS or HTTP 在线直播 support and then you have Flash and Silverlight as browser plug-ins that can support it. 这两个插件, 大多数人都会被Flash所吸引,因为它无处不在, 这是你的选择,对吗? 如果你想把它作为交付机制来投资的话.

特洛伊德雷尔: 对于HTML5视频,有多少编解码器?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: HTML5视频, 我的意思是从W3的角度来看, 没有编解码器推荐, 它只是一个标签,然后它们有属性和事件它们想要启用跨浏览器, 因此,这实际上取决于浏览器供应商选择的编解码器. 因此,根据浏览器供应商所选择的,它是H.264在不同的配置文件支持, 如果我在移动设备上, 配置文件支持可以从基线到主,甚至高这些天. 我的意思是, 一款全新的平板电脑将向WebM播放《百家乐软件》, 和H没有相同的侧写图式.264并. 它确实有一些配置文件类型的编码参数然后我们有最古老的, 也就是Theora, 所以基本上有三个编解码器家族,其中任何一个都可能有潜在的变化. H.264,当然,是有最多不同侧面变化的一个.

特洛伊德雷尔: 还有编解码器,你会推荐给你的客户?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: 如果你没有一个庞大的内容库, 然后编码成多种格式, I would actually recommend like have a fallback to WebM as a backup and you don't have any concerns about content protection. 但是当谈到一般的编解码器推荐时,我尽量保持H.264-centric as possible and I typically recommend having a set of Baseline encodes instead of Main profile encodes, 这样你就有了用于平板电脑和台式机的Main以及用于所有智能手机设备的Baseline.

特洛伊德雷尔: 现在, HTML5视频还不能与Flash相提并论, what are some of the big features that it's missing and when do you think we'll have close enough to pairity for premium content owners?

罗伯特•莱因哈特: 这两个问题都很好, the first; my session today is going to be talking a lot about those kind of contrasts between HTML5 and Flash. My big one that I always picked on in the past was full screen video support and more importantly rich full screen support. 当我说丰富时,我的意思是能够将其他元素与视频一起使用. 如果你想有一个地图覆盖与您的视频, 拍全屏, 你现在只能在三种浏览器中这样做, Safari, Chrome和Firefox的最新版本, 你可以利用HTML5. 把整个经历, 你可以随心所欲地定制它, 所以如果你想要一些广告图形在视频顶部一致, 你可以全屏播放. 但是说到全屏支持, generally the only thing that's consistent now and Matt again alluded to this in the keynote is going full screen with the video itself. I would say subtitles and captions are a big point of contention still there is a lot of draft specifications 正确的 now around web VTT and using JavaScript to insert captions on top of video, 但是在全屏播放的时候, 如果浏览器本身不支持副标题和标题层, 这些文字说明并不是随车而来的, 这只是全屏播放的视频. So again it's like any of the captioning work that I have done in the last year still involves Flash as a solution. iOS有很棒的H.264字幕支持,所以如果你编码你的H.264正确与字幕嵌入在视频, 那么iOS就会在其原生播放器界面中显示这一点,这非常好.

特洛伊德雷尔: 我以为你会在回答中提到DRM.

罗伯特•莱因哈特: DRM is definitely one of those things where I don't think we'll see HTML5 come to the table with a consistent uniform solution. 通过定义, 它会让人觉得自己拥有专利, 这就是为什么Flash和Silverlight有自己的密钥来处理加密和现在的HTML5, 我们可以使用AES加密来传送数据流, 但是在加密之后, 它不是刀枪不入的,对吧? 我的意思是,它没有被锁定,我们可以确保订阅者正在观看流媒体, 但是一旦内容进入设备, 这要看情况, 我是说DRM, 这里有很多灰色的阴影, 正确的? 我的意思是 for me DRM is a lot about properly educating my clients and the affordability of the technology versus the loss of revenue because you don't have it in place.

特洛伊德雷尔: 所以,这次会议的另一个热门话题是MPEG破折号,我们听到了很多关于它的消息. 我认为对于它的含义仍然有很多困惑, MPEG破折号会成为HTML5视频的一部分吗, 它会取代HTML5视频吗? 它的未来是什么??

罗伯特•莱因哈特: Let's just say Apple continues with HLS and that's all they do for adaptive streaming and they are like "Eh, MPEG破折号, 我们并不真的需要它, 我们已经有了自己的解.“但我们仍然面临着两种流媒体标准的环境. 两个比我们现在的好, 也就是Adobe, 微软, and Apple all sort of pushing their own adaptive streaming manifest as Will -- I love the quote from Will Law at Akamai who's on the MPEG破折号 panel here, he said that all the adaptive streaming specifications are 80% similar and 100% incompatible with each other. I love that because they all pretty much do the same thing 正确的 and they do it almost the same way with the video. 他们对视频进行了分割,大多数人都团结在H.264,这只是对这些东西如何包装的不同规范,对吧?,但本质上结构是一样的. MPEG破折号将提供某种我们都可以用来发布的统一格式, 但它与编解码器无关, so if Google chooses to only have a MPEG破折号 supported with WebM and Internet Explorer chooses to support MPEG破折号 with H.我还是有点——在这一点上有什么不同呢? I still have to now have my content in two different flavors and so the adoption of MPEG破折号 has a lot of requirements in order to make it work across the platforms. 另一个问题是它是否向后兼容. Would Apple only make it available in iPhone 6 and all the other iPhones that are already out there still have to use HLS? 我是说有可能, 不管在MPEG破折号中发生了什么, it would be a multiyear development I think to see it become as predominant as any of the existing solutions. 我的意思是 we've had HLS already for a few years now and people already are adjusting their workflows to that, so the package has to be pretty tight and I think it will take some time in order to get agreement across the vendors. 例如,如果每个人都使用带有H的MPEG破折号,那就太好了.264,那么我们至少可以,你知道,我们可以使用像Wowza这样的技术来实现H.264文件并将其转换为所需的任意数量的包装器, 无论是HLS, MPEG破折号, 同样,它可能会带来比它能解决的更多的工作流问题.

特洛伊德雷尔: 很好, 好吧, thank you for joining me Robert; this is 特洛伊德雷尔 coming to you from the red carpet.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


FFmpeg可能是免费下载的,但仍然需要付费. 罗伯特•莱因哈特解释了为什么这种编码器并不适合每个公司.



H什么时候.265 HEVC的到来及其对MPEG破折号的意义?

The latest draft of the high-efficiency video coding codec appears to point to early 2013 for the final specification.


The two server competitors provide interoperable delivery of adaptive streams during the 2012 London Olympics.




HTML5视频可能会得到所有的关注, but video publishers who want to serve the widest possible audience should make it the format of last resort. 流媒体 East 2011的一个演示试图打破HTML5视频的气球.
