
NSCA 2006: Streaming Invades the Conference Room

有时候,判断垂直市场的最佳方法是看主要参与者生产的产品. If the National Systems Contractor Association (NSCA) 2006 Expo, held March 14-18 in Las Vegas, is any indication, 流媒体正在迅速成为各种会议室的坚实基础, boardrooms, and classrooms throughout the country.

NSCA博览会是视听(AV)产品制造商的聚会, systems integrators, and end users; the focus has traditionally been audio products (speakers, microphones, and recording devices), 但最近的节目已经从音频扩展到更广阔的AV领域. The last two shows, especially, 将以数据为中心的产品引入传统的模拟世界.

今年的展会对于流媒体产品的一致性非常重要. 使用CobraNet或Digigram的EtherSound等技术的多轨非压缩流媒体音频产品数量大幅增加, but streaming also found its way into digital signage, classroom, and wireless video replacement products.

LANtasm, a new company created by former AT&T, Northpoint, and Intel execs, 寻求利用正在申请专利的多播过程到数字标牌空间. 数字标牌——通常使用垂直安装的等离子或液晶显示器在机场提供客户信息, hotels, restaurants, 和零售机构是AV行业中增长最快的垂直行业之一. LANtasm’s products, which were on display for feedback, make use of a Gigabit Ethernet switching fabric, 允许多达100个频道的内容在广泛的显示设备网络上移动.

LANtasm首席执行官Steve Blasingame表示:“我们的主要优势在于多样化的网络拓扑结构. “在许多情况下,使用星形拓扑安装数字标牌是不切实际且昂贵的. LANtasm的专利系统可以配置在传统的星形拓扑结构中,但当许多设备连接在一起时,它真的很出色. If a loop can be created between devices, 我们的交换结构足够智能,可以纠正用户在循环中造成的中断, 因此,拔掉一个数字标牌设备不会导致其他设备上显示的内容丢失."

On the wireless streaming video front, Avocent—better known for its keyboard, video, 鼠标(KVM)开关——展示了其第二代无线流媒体设备. 2005年初,Avocent推出了LongView系列设备,使用了802芯片.11a无线电频谱在100英尺范围内流式传输低延迟VGA和XGA内容. The new product line, dubbed Emerge, broadcasts full-motion video up to 1,并获得了2006年NSCA技术创新奖.

"On the source side, 发射器直接连接到计算机上的存储库文件, DVD player, VCR, or cable box receiver," said Matt Nelson, Avocent’s director of strategic business for wireless technologies. "At the remote end, the receiver connects directly into the output device, which could be a VCR, plasma screen, projector, or monitor. Emerge EWMS1000能够传输高达1366x768的WXGA信号."

Emerge系统可用于点对点视频扩展或点对多点广播应用, 这意味着多种设备类型可以连接到一个发射器.

On the H.位于蒙特利尔的海视系统公司正在展示其基于cpu的H.264 encoders and decoders. According to VP Peter Maag, the company plans to release DSP-based H.264 D1 encoders soon, 无论是独立的小尺寸,还是高密度的多编码器“刀片”尺寸. 这些产品预计将模仿海视目前的MPEG-2小尺寸和刀片编码器.

一家公司的代表注意到类似的产品线,该公司没有参加NSCA,但计划在4月底的NAB上展示类似的产品. Will Bakewell, vice president of Visionary Solutions, Inc., said that interest in high-density blade encoder systems was high, as current market solutions were focused on telecom providers, leaving a gap in the market for MPEG-2 and H.264高密度编码器系统针对中档企业和AV市场.

另外两家知名的流媒体产品制造商也在NSCA上展示了最新的系统. Sonic Foundry展示了其Mediasite录音机系统的更新版本, while Accordent released version 2.该公司推出了一款与Mediasite价格较低的对等产品——Accordent Capture Station. Backed by IBM, 这款第二代一体化捕获设备提高了处理器速度,并包括3年的现场保修. 有迹象表明,远程编码在教室环境中变得越来越普遍,捕获站2.0允许管理员远程提供教室和编码器等百家乐软件, 以及使用accorent的事件调度从集中位置自动停止和启动演示文稿捕获过程 & Notification module. accorent还宣布与VBrick的EtherneTV产品线集成, which leverages VBrick’s MPEG-4 codec.

流媒体在NSCA盛行的最后一个领域是建立寻呼系统. While paging might be considered a mundane application for streaming, 在会议或重要会议期间动态修改分页区域的功能吸引了一些产品制造商的兴趣. One in particular, TOA Electronics, 其N-8000系列IP网络对讲系统获得了2006年NSCA技术创新奖.

“新的IP对讲产品占用最小的网络带宽用于站对站呼叫," said TOA marketing director Steve Mate. "Controlled and monitored through software or by a Web browser, 该系统包括编程多达160个寻呼区和基于时间的呼叫前转的能力."

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