
SME '19:科林·桑迪说流媒体和AV正在融合和冲突

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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2019的第二天. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 流媒体杂志特约编辑, 也是非营利组织“帮助我”的创始执行董事! 今天我很高兴请到科林·桑迪. 科林,你们公司是桑迪视听公司?

科林·桑迪: 这是正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 在D下面.C面积,对吧??

科林·桑迪: 没错,我们现在在马里兰州的劳雷尔,这是华盛顿特区的一个郊区.C.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, 在我们播出之前, you were talking about a number of different projects you've done both up here in New York, 就像你知道的那样.C. area. You said streaming is a fairly big component of you're business and I come out of AV integration as well so, I'm just really curious from your stand point how streaming and sort of traditional A/V in the classroom, 和会议室里的人在一起, 在这里你可以看到某种共生体?

科林·桑迪: 确定, 我认为这是一种合并和冲突, and the clash is really with the people because now have the IT faction and the AV faction and we have to work together and play nice.

蒂姆Siglin: 我的一个笑话, 即使在十年前, 你说的是包大小和一伏特峰值之间的关系吗, 让在场的人不理解这两个不同的部分. So are the IT people the streaming people or the IT people just the gateway's controllers to the network?

科林·桑迪: 它们实际上是网络的网关控制器. You kind of have this tension between network command controls security from the IT side, 带宽可靠性, AV方面的可扩展性, 你要确保你的数据包没有变慢. 没有数据包管理器使事情变得紧张不安, what-have-you; you want the picture-perfect video experience. But not have to jump through the hoops of super-curious firewall configuration with any of that stuff.

蒂姆Siglin: NAT转换之类的东西.

科林·桑迪: 完全.

蒂姆Siglin: 从我做大量的AV集成到现在大概有六七年了. 在那段时间里, network administrators really weren't comfortable doing VLANs; they wanted you to put your own switches in. 这些天你发现你可以共存在同一个思科交换机就像一个VLAN, 让你的内容在局域网内移动?

科林·桑迪: 通常不, 除非你有一个AV经理或一个精通AV的IT经理, 或者这是一种跨部门管理——他们负责他们工厂的AV和IT. 这些天, 通常, I've noticed manufacturers are starting to do this now--kind of put a firewall on their product where you have the AV LAN side and you have the IT management side of it so they can coexist just in the device itself. But I found that the shared router tends not to work out too well because the policies kind of conflict sometimes. AV和IT之间的关系.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以我们仍然处于覆盖网络的世界?

科林·桑迪: 绝对.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,明白了. 当你谈论从防火墙流出的数据流时——比如说, corporate environment or educational environment pushing it out-- what sort of issue do you run into with the IT department there, because they may have a set amount of band width that they use for their traditional email, FTP, 黑板上, 学习管理系统, 然后你走过来说, “嘿, 我想把一堆数据塞进这个管道."

科林·桑迪: 当然,我可以给你一个具体的例子. There's a state judiciary that we do work for and their concern really was impacting their network where employees--judges, 律师, 等.--would be looking at the content and slowing down the rest of the network for email and FTP and all the traditional services. So what they ended up doing and was using Riverbed in their system to manage the traffic so you wouldn't impact expediency either.

蒂姆Siglin: 你们有网络流量整形工具吗?

科林·桑迪: 绝对.

蒂姆Siglin: 然后, do you ever find that what they've asked you to put in is going to raise the amount of external capacity that they need in terms of the data pipe size overall, 或者你是否符合约束条件, 如果他们说我们有一个OC3,你就适合这个?

科林·桑迪: 好吧, 大多数时候, the procurement for the backbone or the pipes really comes before any thoughts about streaming content. 大多数时候是,“这是我们在我们的参数范围内的工作.“很多制造商都做过,我知道我提到过河床. IBM也有自己的eCDN做同样的事情——管理内部流量, 你知道这类计划真的是必要的,这样每个人都很高兴.

蒂姆Siglin: 你提到了ecdn. 我们就讲到这里吧, 当我与后来成为Qumo的媒体出版商合作时,这真的是一件大事, 思科和IBM也在寻找ecdn, 大概是10年或12年前. ecdn仍然是企业缓存内容的重要组成部分吗, 或者是基于云的外部缓存?

科林·桑迪: 我从两个方面看. So, 调查整个国家机构, in Minnesota they're using a cloud-based solution to kind of get around a traffic issue with various agencies around the state. 在纽约这里, 他们正在部署IBM的ecdn, 所以你知道这对他们的预算结构很重要. 你知道他们是想要资本支出还是运营支出, you know whether they have the internal staff to manage the equipment or what kind of contracts they want to get in to have it managed for them.

蒂姆Siglin: 任何安全问题,我的意思是,这在过去是很重要的. 我不知道它是否还在发挥作用?

科林·桑迪: 网络安全especiially. 你有国家行为者,他们把有你的东西变成有你的东西. 很多公司,尤其是政府公司和大型教育机构, 公司——想要确保他们的IT从上到下都是安全的. 你知道市场营销人员在哪里, 开发人员, 他们想要确保尽可能多的眼球能看到内容, 有时候会有冲突,但是, let me just roll it up by saying this you know there are a lot of arguments as far as who's allowed to do what. 但我认为在AV方面, a lot of the folks that do traditional broadcast like me really need to understand the security considerations and security concerns of the IT professionals, and on the other hand the IT professionals need to understand the you know the workflow concerns for the AV professionals.

蒂姆Siglin: 曾在国防部和公共事务部工作, 这就是你面临的挑战, 一方面, 有人会说这是国家安全的机密信息, 另一方面,这就像一个记者在问, “我们能给予什么??“最终他们通过了《百家乐软件app最新版下载》(免费的dom of Information Act), 但这两者之间的平衡非常重要. 科林,非常感谢你.

科林·桑迪: 绝对. 和你聊天很愉快.

蒂姆Siglin: 我也是,我们马上回来.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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