
SME '19: RealEyes' David Hassoun Talks Troubleshooting Large-Scale Live 流s

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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2019. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Contributing Editor for 流媒体 magazine and the founding Executive Director of HelpMe! 流. And today I've got with me David Hassoun, CEO of RealEyes Media. 跟我说说RealEyes吧.

大卫·哈桑: We've been in business going on 16 years, so we've been around for a while. 我们一起度过了美好的闪电侠时光.

蒂姆Siglin: We were talking last night about what terms should be deprecated And SWF was one of them.

大卫·哈桑: 是的,是的. 是时候放手了. 你知道, 这是一项伟大的技术,我们在其中投入了很长时间,现在是时候放手了.

蒂姆Siglin: flash之后,你做了什么?

大卫·哈桑: Post-Flash we've worked a while within the video space both on the video application, 视频播放器开发, 以及媒体工作流程和交付. 所以我们已经有了一个很好的用例和客户的范围,我们已经与他们合作了很多年.

蒂姆Siglin: Tell me, where does the RealEyes name come from? 这是一个有趣的名字,因为当我第一次被介绍到公司时,它是关于机器学习的概念. 我假设了RealEyes方面, that you were like a brand new company in the last two years or so, 但你已经16年了.

大卫·哈桑: 是的. 你知道,它最初只是一个标语,我喜欢“实现你的愿景”." When I first started off the company I was really focused on interactive and motion media. And that's what really drew my attention and drew my passion. And I started with that and "Oh, I kind of like that." And I kind of liked the word play and it turned into the name. I've always been in the video space and it just kind of ended up applying well to it.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以6月, 他显然是你们公司的一员,我昨晚和他谈过他提到你们多年来所做的其中一个方面现在你们已经工作了16年,这更有意义了就是创造工具,用来评估那些可能不是标准API或基础平台一部分的东西. 你们都在做什么工具呢?

大卫·哈桑: 所以我们不得不处理一些重大事件, 就像超级碗一样, 奥运会的规模, 这些都是非常重要的事情. And we've been involved in 24/7 support for our customers, 无论是帮助他们处理企业CDN事务,还是这些大规模的全球直播活动,能够非常快速地识别和排除问题都是至关重要的, 正确的? 我们可以理解,我们可能已经构建了玩家,但我们必须了解整个堆栈,我们必须快速分析并提出解决方案. 有了它,我们就能找出其中的差距, things that we would be beneficial to have in ourselves or how we can empower our customers. So we've built out tools in that space around monitoring streams, 体现, 等等, 能够利用这些来快速识别,这样我们的客户就可以做出反应,而不必打电话给我们. 凌晨两点真是太棒了. Or that when we're on the phone that we can also help identify, illustrate and go from there. And we also found that, this is a really interesting byproduct in building out some of these tools. 当我们需要引进新人或在行业内工作时,当我们有活动等时,它们也会变成令人惊叹的培训解决方案, that if we can help visualize what's really happening with streams, 幕后发生了什么, or have better tools for troubleshooting and that we can collaborate, whether we're remote and working in whatever system we need to really adds a lot of value to us. 我们建立了清单查看监控. 多年来,我们建立了可以远程操作的网络监控软件和其他一些工具,这些工具对我们快速更好地为客户服务非常关键.

蒂姆Siglin: And are those tools sort of visually based as well as command line, in other words.

大卫·哈桑: 绝对.

蒂姆Siglin: 普通顾客能理解吗?

大卫·哈桑: 所以我们两者都做了. 我们通常会从类似于核心裸机的东西开始,然后我们会说,这真的能满足我们的需求吗? 然后, if it's something that's actually valuable and useful, 让我们把它建立起来,这样操作人员就可以使用它,而不必是深度视频工程师. 我们就在没事的地方办吧, 伟大的, 把它放到你的流里, 好了,如果有问题, it's going to blare an alarm at you and tell you 嘿 this is what steps you should go and look at.

蒂姆Siglin: 很有趣,好的,明白了. 所以它会抛出异常. And what about sort of dashboard-type tools that assess visual health of the stream?

大卫·哈桑: 我们已经帮助许多客户在他们的编码工作流程中构建解决方案,用于监控和检查仪表板顶层的可视化内容,然后能够扩展这些内容,我们也将其构建到我们自己的一些东西中,当我们想要的时候, 嘿, we need to be able to break this out and look at things a bit more holistically. It becomes very valuable to have that high-level view, and then be able to drill down

蒂姆Siglin: So do you see the tools as being sort of a separate product line as t嘿 mature? Or t嘿'll always sort of be integral to somebody using your other services.

大卫·哈桑: 你知道 we're really open and we've been looking at that quite a bit. What we've always done as our initial step is what do we need? 我们的客户需要什么? 然后 is there a 伟大的er need within the community? 行业内? And that's where like we come to these wonderful events and we start sharing them. So like 正确的 now we're offering like 嘿 伟大的 if you want to start utilizing this, try it out. 然后 down the road we're looking for feedback. 这是我们真正想要产品化和潜在销售的东西吗?但无论哪种方式,我们都想继续保持行业向前发展,看看我们如何也能成为其中更好的一部分. 它也在我们的军火库中, our toolbox and we come to our customers and we have that added value. 为什么来找我们? Because we have the experience and we have a few things that are going to help give us an edge.

蒂姆Siglin: 你是否有工具可以在整个供应链中发挥作用,从编码到初始分销再到最后一英里的体验质量?

大卫·哈桑: We've worked on tools that usually start after encoding downward, 正确的? 我们不这么做, 我们已经开发了用于实际编码的工具,我们已经构建了高级定制打包器,我们也在其中提供了解决方案,但当涉及到用于监控其他内容的工具方面时,它通常, 通常我们会在编码后开始,但我们可能会做一些像高级QC检查和其他类型的事情,我们希望能够做的事情是非常具体的客户,我们知道可能会导致其他解决方案的问题. 然后把它带到分布中,最后一英里显然是非常关键的.

蒂姆Siglin: 再次感谢您的宝贵时间.

大卫·哈桑: 谢谢,我很感激.

蒂姆Siglin: 我们马上回来请到下一位嘉宾.

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