
SMW '19: Telestream Talks Wirecast Now and Future

流媒体特约编辑蒂姆·西格林采访林恩·艾略特, Senior Product Manager at newly minted 7-time 2019 流媒体 Readers' Choice award winner Telestream at 流媒体 West 2019.

Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆·西格林:欢迎回到2019年流媒体西部,这里是洛杉矶威斯汀博纳文特酒店. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体杂志, 也是非营利组织“帮助我”的创始执行董事! 流. 今天和我在一起的是Lynn Elliott,她是Telestream的高级产品经理. How long have you been with Telestream?

Lynn Elliott: Well, all told about 12 years. 最近,我在5月份刚刚升任高级产品管理职位, so I'm fairly new to this role. Before that I was doing marketing.

蒂姆:好,很好. 当你说到这一切的时候,你是不是离开了一段时间又回来了?

Lynn: I did, I left for a year, I was lured away by a start-up. 那也是在视频行业,然后我又回来了.

Tim: Okay, got it, very good. 你们都在,你们管这个山谷叫什么来着,视频谷?

Lynn: Video Valley Yeah, up in Grass Valley, Nevada City area. Which is 好吧 known for its video technology.

蒂姆:不是, there was some like defense video background up in that space, 或者卫星,没错?

林恩:草谷集团从这个行业起步,并最终发展起来, I believe into one of the market leaders in broadcast video. 在80年代,它们爆炸式增长,我想大约有1500人在那里工作.

Tim: Video switchers and all that kind of thing.

林恩:是的, 是的,最终他们被泰克公司收购,然后卖掉了, and you know so they've gone through varied history as 好吧, 通过这些, 走过艰难的岁月, 一些人离开了,很多人在那个地区创业, 在视频行业. So Telestream is one of those.

蒂姆:我记得我和大卫·哈德利等人聊过,他们都是从一些大公司离职的. So Tektronix is sort of back in the mix with Telestream. 我遇到了麻烦,你们都被收购了,做了一大堆事情. So tell me where the current state is right now?

Lynn: So we acquired Tektronix. 我认为,我们不应该说收购,我们和泰克的一个部门合并了. 因此,我们目前正在整合我们的一些监控和分析产品,并整合所有这些产品和公司.

蒂姆:很明显,泰克公司以质量分析著称,从视频的角度来看,这类事情很多. 你们都是, 好吧, you've had a number of iterations, but Vantage is one of those iterations, 工作流程和质量控制之类的东西. 所以我们的目的是把所有这些东西都放在一个单一的保护伞下?

Lynn:嗯,你知道我们几年前收购了Ineoquest. 他们的服务质量是经验丰富的企业的质量,他们设置探针,你可以监控流的质量. 对于那些,你知道,负责在脊骨上分配水流的人来说. 所以, that's all kind of all very interesting to the customers, the traditional customers of Telestream as 好吧. So, 是的,在公司内部,合并和利用我们多年来获得和开发的所有技术是一个很大的推动力, 这样它就变成了一个更大的生态系统,人们可以混合搭配,选择对他们有意义的东西.

Tim: And speaking of acquisitions, one of the acquisitions that we're gonna talk about today, that's now named something completely different, Popwire是几年前的公司吗, 这就是Wirecast.

Lynn: No actually Popwire was Episode. So, Episode is the encoding software we've since end-of-lifed. 但我们确实收购了一家名为Vara Software的公司,那就是Wirecast和Screenflow.

Tim: Sorry, I stand corrected on that, you're right. 这就是编码. So, 你负责Wirecast,事实上你最近帮我做了一件事, where we were trying to do a test run. It turned out I had people in the UK, 美国人, and we were doing this streaming solution, 最后归结为, we really needed to use something like Wirecast to do it, 而且效果很好, and I appreciate your help on that. Tell me, where Wirecast's sort of sweet spot is for people. 显然你有不同的版本,Wirecast Pro是专业的.

Lynn:是的,我们有Wirecast Pro,我们有Wirecast Studio,五月份我们推出了Wirecast One. Which is an even scaled down version of Wirecast Studio and Pro. 我们的甜蜜点, right now we're serving a lot of different industries, 你们可能知道, 直播正在增长. 很多以前从未做过的人都在做这件事. Everyone from gamers to corporate, house of worship.

Tim: Houses of worship in fact, I had donated a Tri caster to my house of worship, 他们正在使用它, and when I started playing around with Wirecast Pro, 我想, oh they really actually just need to go to this, 因为硬件更少, you know in a really intuitive interface, 诸如此类的事情.

林恩:对, yeah and that's what we hear about Wirecast a lot, is the people that aren't used to broadcast systems, Wirecast is a really intuitive interface for them, 与分层, and they can composite really nice shots. 现在很多行业和很多人都进入了直播领域. So, where our sweet spot is really, 有人来自, who wants a higher level of production, 比手机能做的还要多, 一直到, really professional-level live broadcasts. And we have customers such as Fox Sports, that use Wirecast for some of their supplemental content, that they stream out to Facebook or to YouTube. Yeah, so we serve a lot of markets.

Tim: And the beauty that I saw in it, was you have independent control of recording and streaming, and so you could choose to do one or the other, 或两个, 取决于——

Lynn: Yeah we also integrate, we have a Cloud. 另一家几年前被Telestream收购的公司是Panda 流,这是一家云计算公司, and we've integrated Wirecast into the Cloud, 对于re-streaming. So you can go to re-streamer, Wirecast re-streamer, 然后是一个流, and then go out to multiple different destinations from there, to save yourself some bandwidth on location.

蒂姆:那是, so they essentially have a media server in the cloud, 然后做那些转换代码或重新包装之类的事情.


蒂姆:好,如果你一年后坐在这里,那么Wirecast的发展方向是什么? In that time you mentioned the scaled down version, is the intent to sort of focus there, 或者是想通过生态系统将人们提升到专业版本?

Lynn:我们明白了, 我的意思是, some of things that I'm focused on right now, 我今天来这里的原因之一就是我想听听市场的走向. I'm hearing a lot about latency, and reducing latency. I'm hearing a lot about interactivity, and engagement. 我的意思是,人们想要直播的原因之一是参与其中. That's something that broadcast can't do.


林恩:对,没错. 所以这不是一个单向的对话,也不是一个对多个的对话. 所以, you know where Wirecast is going, we're always trying to stabilize, we're always trying to improve the experience for the users. We're building in some new business models. We've just released Wirecast 13, 最近, and that has a lot of under the hood changes, that just make the app snappier, and easier to use and more resilient to crashes. 所以在接下来的一年左右的时间里,我们会在这方面做很多改进,同时也会关注市场的变化, and developing some really cool features for that.

Tim: Good, 好吧 Lynn thank you very much for your time.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Telestream Wirecast 16和下一代专业直播软件

Telestream 最近 released Wirecast 16. 这个演示突出了最近发布的一些功能,Telestream认为这些功能将会改变直播制作的游戏规则.

Telestream Talks无线广播齿轮,NDI支持,和PTZ相机控制

Telestream的Shane Scrimager带领流媒体的Marc Franklin通过Wirecast Gear的关键功能,包括I/O, NDI支持, PTZ摄像机控制, 以及更多来自2022年流媒体西部展会现场的采访.

Telestream Acquires EcoDigital
