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The State of 视频广告 2014


根据comScore, the American online video audience has swelled to 56 percent of the population, meaning that about 189 million Americans watch video online each month. 这比2012年总统大选的投票率高出近50%.

So, in order to reach the American public, turn to online video advertising.


与儿童广告一样,视频广告自诞生以来经历了几个阶段. 它一开始是通过观察哥哥们的搜索和展示来寻求指导的. 晚些时候, 它意识到自己足够强大,可以独立生存,不需要跟随它们的脚步,也不需要跟随父母单位的脚步, 电视广告. 然而,视频广告仍然保留了一些相似之处和联系.

In the first half of 2012, online video advertising topped $1.1 billion in revenues, while in 2013, it was almost $1.4 billion, or 24 percent higher. Twenty-four percent growth year over year means that online video advertising, 作为一个部分, is growing faster than online advertising in general, which grew just 18 percent in the same time. 事实上, in terms of percentage of total revenue, 由于移动广告市场的增长,所有数字广告形式都呈下降趋势。表1). 也就是说,除了视频.


同时, YouTube的每英里成本(CPM)已经从平均25美元下降到接近2美元, so how can video advertising be growing revenue so fast?


基于效果的定价是目前至关重要的驱动力,因为它占整个数字广告行业收入的65%, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). 其中的关键是程序化购买,这是目前数字视频广告的热门词汇. 推动在线视频广告发展的其他几个因素是更广泛的“电视无处不在”选择, packaging of traditional TV ads with video on demand (VOD) and DVR ads, expanded use of gross rating point (GRP)-like metrics online, more innovative and interesting ad formats, and video advertising against mobile apps and games.

Programmatic Buying: The Key to the Future?

Programmatic buying is the use of artificial intelligence (AI), mostly algorithms that watch trends in data, 根据一组针对特定受众的标准来优化广告投放. 然后,人工智能会自动进行特定的广告购买,以达到或超过标准.

程序化购买是人们期待已久的大数据与在线视频广告的结合. It will allow advertisers to drill down into that massive amount of data, 从各种各样的来源, in order to better target the demographics they want. 最重要的是, 它还允许跨平台跟踪,从而使品牌信息和体验最终完全凝聚一致, 消费者所到之处.

Programmatic buying is not only about automated buying; it’s also about optimizing campaigns and ad placements. 算法将观察数据,并在看到有利趋势或环境出现时购买广告位置, based on the 信息 that an advertiser has input into the system. 例如, say a clothing retailer wants to sell more shorts, t恤, and sandals at its Chicago location. 它为一个广告购买设定了参数,相当于“芝加哥地区气温超过70度的晴天”,并指定了一个在芝加哥地区用户中很受欢迎的内容出版商列表. 四月的一天, 出乎所有人的意料, the clouds clear up and the temperature rises, 是什么触发了算法,让它在芝加哥很受欢迎的十几个网站上购买广告位. It could even go so far as to customize those ads, from variables input into the system, 为零售商可能已经掌握了购买习惯信息的特定用户量身定制.

谈论人工智能自动定位广告可能会给许多消费者带来一种恐惧感,他们可能会开始选择退出任何形式的在线或离线行为跟踪. 这意味着它必须小心行事,并且需要向消费者解释他们将获得的好处, and maybe even incentivize it for them in some say.

随着人工智能系统变得越来越复杂,并且能够更好地理解它们所提供的复杂而庞大的数据集, the better the targeting will get over time. That means better ROI on video advertising across the board, 因为广告应该呈现在更易接受的人面前(理论上如此).

TV Everywhere Means TV Ads Everywhere?

一段时间以来,电视广播公司和有线电视公司一直在哀叹他们的收入损失. “电视无处不在”被认为是推动广播公司和有线电视公司进入数字时代的答案之一,重新获得收入和, 也许, 增加收入. 2013年是一个突破性的一年 随心所欲 reporting a 20 percent jump in TV Everywhere video viewing and, more importantly for this article, a 31 percent jump in video ad viewing year-to-year 3Q 2012 to 3Q 2013 (表2). 除此之外, mobile TV Everywhere video viewing skyrocketed 200 percent, with tablets rising 365 percent and smartphones 235 percent in the same time. 这是屏幕融合的前沿,不仅是内容,还有广告.

根据随心所欲的说法, video ad viewing rose 31 percent in 2013, outpacing the increase in total video viewing. 

Advertising revenues are shifting as well. 在过去, “电视无处不在”内容的更多广告收入来自多频道视频节目分销商(mvpd), as in a combination of linear TV and IP-based video. 然而,纯数字分销开始在整体广告收入中占据更大份额. 根据随心所欲 2013年第三季度的“视频货币化报告”,这一比例为52.mvp为9%,mvp为47%.1 percent for digital-only distributors, a shift from 54.1%和45%.9 percent, respectively, in 3Q 2012.

电视无处不在的广告负荷也在上升,目前的广告负荷在11%左右.6 ads per video and a 91 percent completion rate, most likely because of the viewer’s inability to fast-forward through them, 比如Hulu. Those ads are also trending toward 30-second spots more this year than last, with that ad length netting almost 65 percent of ad views.

Packaging TV Ads With On-Demand and Online

Now that multisystem operators (MSOs) such as Comcast, DirecTV, and Time Warner Cable are becoming MVPDs, it is becoming increasingly easier to bundle on-air advertising with on-demand. 广播公司现在可以开始提供多个分销渠道的广告交易,广告商可以在线性电视上播放的第一集电视节目中投放广告,并在其主要网站的VOD节目中投放广告, 或应用程序, 第二天, 或者是之后的几天.

另一项正在加速发展并可能成为2014-2015年的主要因素的举措是在VOD甚至dvr录制的电视节目中注入最新的广告. This could be used to ensure advertisers that, regardless of when an episode is seen, 他们的广告会在那里. Or, if the episode is viewed after some time, 广告客户可以从他们当前的广告活动中插入更新的广告. But all of this needs to be tracked, 这就引出了2013年和未来的下一个大话题:类似在线电视的指标.


总收视率(gross rating point, GRP)一直是衡量电视广告的标准. 简而言之,这是广告覆盖范围在整个美国的百分比.S. population multiplied by the average frequency of the ad. This has been the main metric for television ad buying, and it is now coming to digital video advertising.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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