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在流媒体东部观看完整的演示, B204. Batten Down the Hatches: 流盗版和如何保护您的内容, in the 流媒体会议视频门户.


Christopher Sass: 你得小心人工智能,对吧? 'Cause it's a buzzword. 就像在说“云”,对吧? So I see today a lot more machine learning and kind of more where there are humans involved in directing it and a lot of learning and things, like you said, behaviors change, right? You can do really interesting things if you understand the pirate's ecosystem, if you look at the temperature of boxes and where they're on at a time and records, 你可以算出很多东西, 但你真的需要解释并使其有价值. 所以我看到了大量的投资. 我确实看到了流和流分析带来的东西, 很多这类技术正在兴起. 这是非常令人兴奋的事情. 有一些创业公司在做区块链的事情. 你谈到“如果你可以购买一段内容会怎么样?, 而你只想要内容?" Well, if I had a public immutable chain of custody basically of the content, I could do that. 我现在可以把我的内容,让你买这个或买那个, put it in a blockchain, 我知道它去哪了. That's really early. You know I think, if you say what's two, three, five years out, that, 我们还在婴儿期, 有几家公司, 我不知道我们是否准备好了在黄金时段播出. I know that even our R&D人们关注这些事情, 但我们现在可能还没有将这些东西产品化, 更有趣的是, it's got some legs, 我们来看看它的去向.

Matt Tooley: And you know, one thing that we've been looking at with the companies is how to apply a machine learn and supervised machine learning cause there's a lot of technology doing that in the cyberspace for identifying malware, and so if we're, we're just saying "Okay, 只要把“恶意软件”改成“视频盗版”就可以开始了, can you find it?“嗯,事实证明你可以. So we're working with companies to see if we can get that productized as a way to be able to sniff it right out on the fly.

Jason Thibeault: Yeah, I think there's definitely still a lot of human intervention needed for data analysis. I mean, 当我和我们的一家会员公司交谈时——很大, big, big content owner-- and you know he was telling me that they really look at logs, 他们有登录的门槛, for example, and they see someone logging in a lot of times from a lot of different places, hmm, maybe something, 需要有人去接触那些用户. You know, 也许我们应该切断他们的账户,让他们百家乐软件, so if they're a pirate, 他们不会联系他们的? 他们只会说“啊,我被抓了,我要去别的地方。.“但如果他们是合法用户, 谁的证书可能被泄露或被盗, 用户就会回过头来说:“嘿, 你为什么封了我的账号?" Well, 我们注意到了,我们会再把你点亮, change your password, and then if it happens again, 他们可能知道这是个坏演员, you know--

Christoper Sass: 这就是大数据的角度? 我的意思是,这就像凭证共享一样. 这就是为什么说你得到分数, 其中一件让人痛苦的事情是,你走进来说“嘿, we just locked your account, 我们希望你打电话给我们把它打开." Or now you gotta use two-factor authentication-- yeah, that's inconvenient for the normal user. But if you're a bad actor and you're doing something illegal, so what if it's inconvenient? The operator shouldn't care, 但是我们要有高度的自信, and I think the key there is, with big data, 它不能解决所有问题. 你需要一个非常具体的问题集, 你需要能够从数据中剔除噪音, 这就是人类发挥作用的地方, 因为数据太多了. 你真的需要弄清楚什么是有价值的数据, 这就是我们处于早期阶段的地方. 'Cause I don't know that for this application that a lot of companies are there yet.

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