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How to Ease OTT Consumers Into Behind-the-Paywall Content

有哪些可能的途径可以吸引观众观看付费流媒体内容? Evan Shapiro, CEO, ESHAP, discusses this topic with Philippe Guelton, CRO, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, in this talk from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Shapiro mentions that streamers such as 孔雀 allow viewers to access free content like NBC新闻,这也让他们有机会调查其他选择的付费墙背后是什么. “对我来说,这是一个非常好的门户产品,可以让消费者轻松地获得他们想要的东西,而且他们可以很好地看到广告, and it is scalable, and then you ease them into the paywall later,他说. He asks Guelton for his point of view on the topic.

圭尔顿强调,捆绑服务的新趋势——尤其是基于电视oem的捆绑服务——是向用户介绍付费内容的理想途径. 他表示:“我认为电视oem厂商为消费者提供了一种新的捆绑机制。. “If you buy whatever brand of TV, or it could even be a Roku TV now, you're going to find a built-in offering for free. It's like adding cable for free. 我认为它赋予消费者选择他们想要支付的东西的权力. 所以这对我们这样的公司来说很重要,因为他们更有可能需要我们的内容. 所以这是独立程序员和流媒体的机会,他们的内容既可以传播,也可以推广. 我认为你会看到越来越多的人制作原创内容.”

The 免费的 Ad-Supported Television (FAST) platforms夏皮罗说。.

“Or Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVOD),圭尔顿说. “因为 Vizio, 三星, they’re all in the AVOD business as well.”

“Don't you find that cost prohibitive?夏皮罗说. “我的意思是, you look at Roku's earnings call yesterday, and their revenue was flat quarter-on-quarter, but up 20% for the year, 但他们的净收入却直线下降,几乎完全是由内容成本驱动的……”

“但看看订阅视频点播(SVOD)平台,看看他们亏损了多少钱,圭尔顿说. “The cost of content is problematic for everyone in the ecosystem, and I think you’ve got to be nimble.”

“随着这个生态系统的解体,以及它的许多经济基础的泄漏,你是否看到了这种转变??夏皮罗说. “Do you see the cost per hour of content reversing itself? Because it's really been astronomically ballooning, I think it's up…maybe close to 1500 or 2000% since 《百家乐软件》. Do you see now that things are reshaping themselves, the cost of hour per content going the other way? And you're kind of uniquely situated to have an opinion on this.”


夏皮罗说, “Think about it as ecosystem-wide, what you're selling to other third parties, because you make high-end premium stuff that you do sell to 网飞公司 and some of the other premium services…”

“是的,我们卖给 迪斯尼+,我们卖给 Amazon Prime, that’s one of the things we do,圭尔顿说.


“They're cutting content,圭尔顿说. “There's no question that they're cutting back. 他们正在关闭系列游戏,他们正在变得……我不认为这是灵活的, but they're definitely spending less billions of dollars in content.”


“Sports rights prices keep increasing, right?圭尔顿说. “这是一种全球性的东西,这推动了这些平台的大量营销努力. So there's no question about it, 但我确实认为,这为电视oem和本土平台提供了一个机会,使它们更具竞争力,并提供可能不同于同类的高价值原创剧集, but content that matters maybe more to consumers.”

了解更多关于OTT服务捆绑和其他流媒体服务产品的业务 流媒体 East 2023.

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