
解释's Brett Sappington Talks Media and 娱乐 Fragmentation

了解更多关于媒体市场分化的信息 流媒体西部2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2022波士顿. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体 and the Founding Executive Director of the not-for-profit Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation. 今天,我请来了布雷特·萨平顿 解释. 告诉我什么是翻译,因为我不熟悉.

布雷特萨平顿: 解释 是一家全球市场研究和洞察公司吗. 总部设在洛杉矶,实际上我的总部设在达拉斯.

蒂姆Siglin: 口译工作的主要行业是什么

布雷特萨平顿: 解读多个领域的作品. 我领导视频娱乐研究实践. But we also have expertise in gaming and internet of things and a couple of other areas.

蒂姆Siglin: So, what have you seen that's changed in the last three years since all of us were together at streaming events, 从市场分析的角度来看?

布雷特萨平顿: 嗯,这个行业的口头禅是它总是在变化. 在过去的两年里, COVID certainly made a lot of difference in terms of how things were consumed. But one of the things we're really looking at is how video 娱乐 is changing in terms of the consumer's overall portfolio of 娱乐. So we're talking gaming and music and podcasts and reading, and other areas like that. 所以看到这个比例的变化真的很有趣, 因为我们总是看总小时数. 我们看看流媒体和传统媒体. 但在你了解它相对于其他事物的位置之前, 很难理解这一份额是在增长还是在萎缩? 当你看着观众的时候,这意味着什么? 你该怎么做呢?

蒂姆Siglin: 我之前采访了Roku的Jessica Masters, and she mentioned that she had worked for a number of channels before Roku, 这是一个平台. And then on the Roku channel, where the percentage of cord cutters is well above 50% at this point. And the consumption of content appears to be well above 50% for standard linear television versus live linear or VOD packaged or FAST packaged. In his keynote this morning, William Roberts-Foster from NBCU said they're at about 37%. 他们还没到50. 他们预计在未来两年内,他们将达到50人. 你们都看到了什么? 你认为这是一个整体吗? 这只是该行业的两个缩影, 但是你看到了吗?, 作为一个整体, 线性电视和流媒体的比例已经超过了50%? 或者我们落在哪里?

布雷特萨平顿: I see it around the same spot, about 50% or even more going with streaming today. What we found also that's interesting in that portfolio that I was talking about: for consumers in the US for video, television and movies represents about 40% of 娱乐 consumption. 2021年底,这一比例首次降至40%至39%以下. And what's interesting about that is that's why video consumption has at least marginally grown. So what that says is that consumers are using more 娱乐 from other areas.

蒂姆Siglin: 当我们今天早上谈到流媒体现状调查时, we talked about large viewing or subscriber models seem to be falling away in favor of lower numbers of subscribers. 这是市场的分裂. Potentially what I hear you say is it's not just a fragmentation in the streaming portion of the market. It's a fragmentation in the way the media consumption is done across the board.

布雷特萨平顿: 正确的. 甚至可能不止于此, you have the fragmentation from traditional to streaming services and a multitude of streaming services. 虽然你有很多大玩家, we're also finding that there'seven a further fragmentation in terms of types of content. 短视频直播,YouTube,抖音. So not only are we seeing this fragmentation in terms of service options, but in terms of consumer preference and what they're filling their time with.平均, 我们发现, 例如, live streaming consumers are averaging about two hours a week watching livestream content, 所有年龄段的人都是如此. 这是一个完全不同的世界.

蒂姆Siglin: 确实如此. 回想Vine是件很有趣的事, 潜望镜, and some of those other short-form platforms that didn't quite get off the ground or got off the ground and fell away. And yet now we have TikTok with an even shorter-length consumption model. 趋势是越来越短吗? Or is that just sort of a wave we're going through with media consumption?

布雷特萨平顿: 是的,这是个好问题. 我们发现电视和电影仍然是第一, 即使它相对于消费者的整体消费有所萎缩, 它仍然是首选. Even the youngest group, 13 to 24-year-olds, about a third of their consumption is TV and movies. But what we're finding is these other formats are really filling up a larger piece of that. For young consumers, about 5% of their overall consumption is around shortform video. Which is massive, considering that about a third of their content is TV and movies. 所以这是一个巨大的变化,而不仅仅是电视和电影的衰落.

蒂姆Siglin: So we'll end on a note of something you mentioned, you mentioned reading. 这在大流行期间表现如何?

布雷特萨平顿: Surprisingly, reading has stayed fairly consistent, both physical media and digital media. 我们确实发现了一些有趣的趋势. For example, with young consumers, we actually saw physical media reading increased slightly. And it was primarily graphic novels, comics, and and those types of materials. 所以材料是不同的. 来源是不同的. 但不用担心下一代. 他们还在阅读.

蒂姆Siglin: 好. 听你这么说真是件好事.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


展望CTV的未来,百事公司媒体策略主管 & Katie Haniffy看到了可购买的广告, 加大对流媒体平台直播活动的投资, and maintaining cultural relevance as key elements of new initiatives to leverage the emerging possibilities of CTV advertising and build fan bases, 正如她在与OMD U的炉边聊天片段中解释的那样.S. 视频投资主管 & 激活苏珊娜·欧文在纽约流媒体.

媒体未来的增长领域 & 娱乐

解读的布雷特·萨平顿讨论了媒体的新兴增长领域 & 娱乐, 尤其是通过TikTok上传的短视频, 互动游戏, 直播商业, 虚拟现实, 增强现实, 还有元宇宙, 还有更多来自流媒体东部2022的视频片段.


解释's Brett Sappington reports on new survey data that shows how Gen-Z and millennial viewing habits are changing 娱乐 media consumption and broadening the landscape beyond traditional movies and TV in this clip from 流媒体 East 2022.


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