
Roku's Jessica Masters Talks Cord-Cutters and OTT Monetization Trends

Learn more about OTT platforms and monetization at 流媒体西部2022.

完整的视频 from 流媒体 East 2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2022,这里是马萨诸塞州波士顿威斯汀科普利酒店. Today I've got with me Jessica Masters from Roku. Jessica, What's your title? And tell us a little bit about yourself.

杰西卡大师: 我是垂直市场的美国主管,专注于保险、金融服务和能源. 我已经在OTT/连接电视流媒体领域工作了大约10年,以前做过几份工作. 我在ESPN工作了五年,在我的任期即将结束时,他们开始真正关注OTT. From there I made the jump to Hulu, where I spent five years really working to build that business, 教育市场. And then there was an opportunity at Roku that came up, 这真的让我很兴奋,因为我从一个特定的渠道转向了一个平台, 这带来了更多的机会,从数据到目标再到规模. 所以这是流媒体的一次疯狂之旅,但这是一个很棒的地方.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以,对你来说,从平台的角度来看,你是在讨论广告的未来. What do you see as the benefit for you across the board to be able to, to look at innovations in each of each of the different, say channels on the platform versus the platform as a whole?

杰西卡大师: 是的, so I think it's really interesting. We have a lot of relationships with the channels, obviously from a distribution standpoint, and then we also aggregate inventory across those channels. But in addition, we launched the Roku channel about four and a half years ago. And 2021 was really a pivotal year for the channel. We're up to 80 million viewers. 所以我们真正关注的是大规模聚集用户,然后能够精确定位. 因此,我们与超过6100万户家庭的消费者建立了一对一的关系. So we know who's in that household, 他们在看什么, and what their behaviors are, and we can put on third-party targeting. We can use our customers' first-party data to target really precisely.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. 很明显,这些数据是频道本身没有的,因为他们不拥有这个平台.

杰西卡大师: 不一定. A lot do have one-to-one relationships with the consumers. But since we're the platform, we have a relationship with the hardware login.

蒂姆Siglin: 那么,如果我们看一下未来两三年,你在自然的下一步发展中处于什么位置?

杰西卡大师: So we think a lot about this, and a big piece of what our business is, and going towards is automation. So a few years ago we acquired Dataxu, which has been rebranded OneView, and that's our DSP buying platform. 因此,我们真的把它看作是自动化,然后提供管理所有渠道合作伙伴的覆盖范围和频率的能力. So, 不管你是从Roku买的还是在Roku、Tubi或Pluto上运行的Hulu, 或者你有什么, 能够使用我们的6100万个家庭作为数据的基础,从而能够管理覆盖范围, 和频率.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. 显然,在疫情期间,股市表现惊人,Roku就是其中之一. 如果你能和这个说话, has there been a drop off in viewership as we've come out of the pandemic, or is that momentum continuing forward?

杰西卡大师: The shift to streaming continues to happen. I can't speak to revenue guidance. 但我们第一季度的收益刚刚出炉,家庭用户增加了6100多万户. So we are continuing to see a shift to streaming and, 有史以来第一次, 18岁至49岁的成年人每周观看流媒体的次数已经超过了有线电视. So we are seeing the shift continue to happen.

蒂姆Siglin: I think you're ahead of the curve on that again. William from NBCU said they're at about 38%. They expected a couple years to get to 50%. 考虑到Roku显然是一个ott优先的平台,你看到一些数据了吗?

杰西卡大师: 是的. And what we see too, which is really interesting, are cord-cutters. So we overindex on cord cutters. 57% of the platform are cord-cutters. 但后来, when we look at the Roku channel--which is a FAST channel, 本质上是免费的, ad-supported--68% are cord-cutters. 所以我们在Netflix上索引的重复度很高,而在Hulu或线性观众上索引的重复度很低.

蒂姆Siglin: 我们刚刚展示了 State of Streaming 2022 survey. 一年前我们在FAST上问了一个问题,这次我们在FAST上又问了一次. And we're seeing that continued interest in FAST. So that's interesting as I'm thinking about when we do our future surveys, we need to ask specifically about the cord-cutting, 因为如果你说“掐线”本质上是这样被大量索引的, 然后你听到的是,人们不是因为不想看内容而切断有线电视. 他们切断了脐带,因为他们不想有那么多的账单要付.

杰西卡大师: 完全. 我们刚刚宣布Discovery Plus将把他们的付费订阅服务引入Roku频道. 所以这实际上是关于整合内容,让流媒体更容易使用和观看.

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