

Two top executives of niche OTT streaming services agree that their platforms are important not only for providing an entertainment outlet for their target audiences at all times, but also as a means to elevate their communities with content that does more than simply focus on the struggles of minority populations.

“这就是我的工作,一年365天,每天24小时,每天24小时。 kweliTV这是一个庆祝来自世界各地黑人故事的流媒体服务. “This is my community. 这不仅仅是因为它是黑人历史月.” Spencer believes that niche OTT streaming services are important because they carry programming relevant to their audiences year round, 而不是只在黑人历史月或LGBTQ骄傲月等纪念日. 这些特定节目的短暂窗口让少数族裔观众觉得“你只关心我这一个月”, but once the next month hits, then it's the next diverse flavor,” she says.

Spencer also notes that the content mainstream OTT services emphasize during annual minority population observances or periods of social unrest is not only too time-limited, 但它甚至可能加剧黑人面临的问题. During the George Floyd protests of 2020, for example, 流行的流媒体服务主要集中在节目上,比如 12 Years a Slave and Green Book, 描绘种族仇恨和歧视的电影. 斯宾塞说,对于黑人观众来说,“我们不需要看到这些. We wanted to see celebratory-type stories.” She thinks that this emphasis on negative experiences might only further traumatize viewers who have already dealt with similar struggles throughout their lives.

Damian Pelliccione,首席执行官兼联合创始人 Revry, 一个专注于酷儿内容和创作者的全球流媒体网络, 欣然同意斯宾塞对这些观点的看法. 他们还强调讽刺的是,对于Revry来说, 每年40%的收入来自LGBTQ骄傲月, 尽管这项服务全年都有LGBTQ的内容. Major streamers and advertisers view observance periods such as Black History Month or Hispanic History Month or Asian Pacific Islander Month as “editorial moments.相反,在Revry上,“我们谈论的是文化故事。. We're talking about what our culture looks like and we're trying to uplift and show positive depictions and stories within our own community.” Pelliccione also believes that the overall emphasis should be on getting consumers and advertisers to want to regularly participate. 这是Revry的编程和营销团队的核心KPI. Pelliccione说,他们的目标是让他们的观众不只是在6月份观看, “但要真正暴露并对我们在今年剩下的时间里发布的其他内容感到兴奋.”

Ultimately, both Spencer and Pelliccione highlight that niche OTT services matter because they fill crucial programming and marketing voids left by major streamers who segment minority audiences into concentrated programming periods rather than consistently diversifying their content. By taking this limited approach, 主流平台失去了留住不同用户的机会. Niche services such as kweliTV and Revry are now well-positioned to accommodate these underserved audiences through a comprehensive understanding of their content needs.         

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