
kweliTV's DeShuna Spencer Talks Celebrating Global Black Stories

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 East 2022 here in Boston at the Westin Copley. And we're gonna talk a little bit about a company called kweliTV. 我们请来了CEO和创始人,请介绍一下你自己,并告诉我“kweli”这个词是什么意思.

DeShuna斯宾塞: So I'm DeShuna Spencer, Founder and CEO of kweliTV. We are streaming service that celebrates global Black stories. We amplify Black storytellers from across the globe. 目前,我们的平台上有600多部电影,我们还与全球450多名电影制作人合作. And kweli means "truth" in Swahili. 我们的全部任务是策划真实反映全球黑人经历的内容.

蒂姆·西格林:我有幸在尼日利亚和加纳工作,倾听人们的故事, because I worked with a lot of small businesses and women-owned businesses, helping them to figure out how to grow their business in those economies. Some of the stories are fascinating. 我想一件引起我注意的事当你刚刚和埃里克谈话的时候你并不是在寻找“黑人创伤”的故事. You're looking for the black empowerment and uplifting stores. 这是为什么??

DeShuna斯宾塞: I think a lot of times for traditional media, 这些故事, 那些在主流媒体上往往是永久性的——老实说,作为一个刷推特的黑人,或者看到像今天这样的周年纪念发生了什么, 乔治·弗洛伊德的死, we're just inundated with so much Black trauma, 黑死病. We don't want our platform to also do the same thing. We really want our platform to be a safe space. And we also really wanna show Black stories. Like you mentioned parts of Africa, that's not showcasing things you typically think about when you think of Africa. For instance, we have a film in our platform called Africa United. 它在卢旺达. 我们想想卢旺达. What's the first thing you think about? 种族灭绝. 但这部电影讲的是一群喜欢足球的孩子,那一年世界杯在南非举行, and the whole film is about them traveling by boat, 步行, 开车去看世界杯.

蒂姆·西格林:事实上, 我认为通过电影——你提到了一些获奖的电影——我只能想到一部, 卡特威女王, which was about the chess team going into the private schools, that I would consider an uplifting movie. 有抱负的.

DeShuna斯宾塞: But typically you think about child soldiers, 想想黑死病, 黑人的痛苦. 即使是小时候, 思考非洲, 你在广告中看到的是穷人和瘦子,你看不到其他类型的故事. And on the continent, they're they're growing tremendously. The middle class is growing tremendously. 因此,即使是他们也希望看到人们如何看待他们的不同方面,因为这是一个不断增长的经济体,我们需要展示这一点.

蒂姆Siglin: And do you do things like Nollywood as well? Or is it primarily things like documentaries and feature-length films?

DeShuna斯宾塞: We do have some Nollywood films. For us it is really more about the stories. And we want to make sure we showcase the entire continent. 我们有来自奈莱坞、尼日利亚、加纳、坦桑尼亚、埃及和刚果的电影. We have content representing at least 15 to 20 Africa countries. Even outside of Africa, we have content from Latin America. So Afro-Latin content, Afro-European content, Afro-Australian content. 我们无处不在. So we want to showcase 这些故事.

蒂姆Siglin: And if I remember correctly, 大概是50,到目前为止,有1000名观众, 你也没有接受过风险投资.

DeShuna斯宾塞: We've taken like non-traditional VC dollars. 天使投资人.

蒂姆Siglin: I applaud you for that, 因为这是一条艰难的道路, 但这可能是一条正确的道路,这样你就不必被迫携带那些你不一定想要的内容.

德舒娜·斯宾塞:没错. 当我创办公司的时候, 没有风投告诉我,你需要有打斗或真人秀电视节目,以及一些负面的故事,或者告诉我,黑人反正不想看纪录片, 这太疯狂了.

蒂姆·西格林:嗯, it seems like the mentality of the VC saying that, they're thinking strictly inner-city America, 而不是流散在外的人. 所以,, 那些观众, how many of those viewers are in the US on traditional platforms, versus how many of those viewers actually are from Africa or elsewhere?

DeShuna斯宾塞: 19% of our customers are outside of the US. 除了19%, 9%在欧洲, and of that 9% in Europe most in the UK, which makes sense because we're an English-speaking platform first. 所以说得通. 大约5%在非洲,主要是加纳、塞内加尔、尼日利亚和南非. And then we have 5% in Latin America and in the Caribbean--Jamaica, 特立尼达拉岛, 委内瑞拉, 哥伦比亚, 和巴西. Those tend to be the areas we have outside of the US.

蒂姆·西格林:有意思. Well, thank you very much for your time. And I hope people go back and actually watch the session that you did with Eric, because that was very insightful.

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