


[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at 流媒体 East, 2012.]

云编码是在线视频的一个蓬勃发展的领域, as companies realize it's more efficient and economical to upload their clips and let a specialist handle the chore of making multiple encodes. 蒙特利尔 Haivision 从那以后就引起了很多轰动 2011年7月收购了KulaByte. During the recent 流媒体 East conference in New York City, 彼得·马格, 海视科技的首席营销官, sat down for a red carpet interview to discuss why Haivision's solution is more efficient.

“当然是云转码,这是市场上的一大进步. 因为有了云转码, previously to get 自适应比特率 into the cloud and across CDNs, the encoder would have to create all of the different renditions, 所有不同的比特率, 并通过上行链路发送到CDN,马格说。. "That takes a lot of bandwidth from the source encoder on the uplink to get to the internet."

People think of the upload required for cloud encoding as being time-intensive, 但马格指出,这实际上是它的效率之一.

"With cloud transcoding, you only need to send a single high-quality stream. 还有转码器, 哪里的网络百家乐软件丰富,哪里的计算能力雄厚, 会在云中创建不同的场景吗. So it creates a lot of efficiency for the clients who want to deliver the highest qualities,马格补充道。.


特洛伊德雷尔: Hi. This is 特洛伊德雷尔, the senior associate editor for StreamingMedia.com. I'm here on the red carpet at the 流媒体 East conference in New York City, 彼得·马格也加入了, 海视科技的首席营销官. 谢谢大家今天的光临.


特洛伊德雷尔: 本次展会的一大主题是云转码. 我知道这对海视科技来说是一个很大的领域.


特洛伊德雷尔: 你有一个叫超流的东西. 告诉我们HyperStream是什么.

彼得·马格:是啊. 好吧, HyperStream comes from actually Haivision's acquisition of KulaByte last year and KulaByte has been very important for Haivision because it brings a lot of internet streaming, over-the-top streaming capabilities to our product set and our customer base. 以及HyperStream是什么, KulaByte是一个基于软件的编码器和转码器, 使其在云中部署非常容易. 以及HyperStream是什么 is an encapsulation of cloud transcoding on EC2 and CDN delivery over Akamai HD. HyperStream作为软件即服务, 作为用户管理的服务, 用户可以很容易地自己进入, 供应云转码, 抓住他们的消息来源, 创建ABR或自适应比特率, multiple renditions in the cloud for delivery to users anywhere around the planet. So, 这实际上是对市场上一些问题的简化, especially for Haivision's clients and institutional markets that dramatically simplifies the capabilities of streaming to global audiences.

特洛伊德雷尔: 现在, we're talking so much about cloud transcoding, but why would someone need cloud transcoding?

彼得·马格云转码当然是,这是市场上的一大进步. 因为有了云转码, previously to get 自适应比特率 into the cloud and across CDNs, the encoder would have to create all of the different renditions, 所有不同的比特率, 并通过上行链路发送到CDN. And that takes a lot of bandwidth from the source encoder on the uplink to get to the internet. With cloud transcoding, you only need to send a single high-quality stream. 还有转码器, 哪里的网络百家乐软件丰富,哪里的计算能力雄厚, 会在云中创建不同的场景吗. So it creates a lot of efficiency for the clients who want to deliver the highest qualities.

特洛伊德雷尔: 好吧. 所以我们支持云转码. 现在,我们为什么选择HyperStream?

彼得·马格嗯,HyperStream,它真的简化了事情. So, you can go in and the streaming administrator will set up the streaming parameters. 他们可以使用预设, 是他们安排的, 他们可以调整ABR, 自适应比特率, Flash的5个捆绑包, 这是苹果设备的另一个捆绑包, 高调, 主要配置文件, and really tune things so that you can get the best quality through the cloud. 现在, 一旦这些都设置好了, what the user only has to do is hit a single button on any of our contribution devices and connect up through the cloud. So it really, really simplifies things for anybody who wants to do a global streaming event.

特洛伊德雷尔: 那么谁是HyperStream的目标受众呢?

彼得·马格是的,当然. HyperStream的目标受众实际上是任何公司. Anybody who wants to do large video on the website, so it's large transcoding. 海视科技就是一个典型的公司. We're 165-person company and we have a global channel to train and we have to do events all of the time. 我们为客户开全员会议和培训. So, to have a source device that very simply can execute streaming on any scale really is very attractive, 对于任何组织来说. Haivision focuses on medical and education markets, enterprise markets, even the military. And all of these markets are looking for ways to simply get the video out to very large audiences.

特洛伊德雷尔: 人们是如何开始的呢? 开始使用HyperStream的基本步骤是什么?

彼得·马格哦,这又是一个好问题. 互联网流媒体对大众来说并不简单,对吧? 所以,尽管HyperStream Live, 作为用户管理的服务, 自动化所有这些, we really recommend that people use our HyperStream team based in Austin, 我管他们叫库拉小子, 真正帮助客户度过他们的第一个流媒体活动. Provision of the source encoder, get the streams going, provision of players. 然后在那之后, users can actually just go in and manage the service themselves at a very low cost.

特洛伊德雷尔: 对于海视科技来说,这显然是一个全新的游戏. What is your company's overall strategy and how does HyperStream fit into it?

彼得·马格那很好. 对于Haivision, 在我们撞上KulaByte的人群之前, we knew it was critical that we get our video 信息 out to the masses. So HyperStream, KulaByte, all of this technology, is actually now a fundamental of our company. And we're building in internet streaming capabilities to all of our Makito encoders, 我们所有的熔炉IP视频系统, 进入非常需要这些能力的市场. 对于海视科技, it's really a whole new frontier for us where we can -- previously we had focused on providing end-to-end solutions within the firewall over hot LANs or satellite networks or very hot networks. 现在, HyperStream和KulaByte, we're focused on end-to-end solutions over the public internet to as many users as you want, 到任何设备.

特洛伊德雷尔: So does this impact any of Haivision's current products or customers?

彼得·马格哦,它影响到每个人. 所有人. 就像我说的,每个人都在寻找这些能力. 每个人都想要一种非常简单的互联网流媒体方式. 他们可能会有一个活动, 他们可能每个月都有重复的活动, 他们可能每周都有活动, 但这是他们正在寻找的基础技术. 我们在手术室里有编码器, 在教室, 在军事基地, 在世界各地的机构市场, and all of these people are thirsty to get the video 信息 live across the internet to mobile devices, 在任何人身上. So this is really fundamental to all of our products and all of our customers. 这在市场上是一个非常非常有趣的举动.

特洛伊德雷尔: 有趣的. 好了,非常感谢你能来.


特洛伊德雷尔: Coming to you from 流媒体 East, this is 特洛伊德雷尔 on the red carpet.



现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


在流媒体东2013, Haivision had much to show off as the company moves from inside to outside the firewall.


Enterprise specialist steps out from behind the firewall; can now offer a complete end-to-end solution.
