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现在,广告收入正通过购买CTV从广播转向数字, maybe we need to accept that the measurement standards for digital and broadcast are always going to differ. 37% of CTV ad revenue consists of redirected linear TV ad spend, according to FreeWheel的最新研究. 这意味着越来越多的广告商选择了央视, 应用可比指标的需求只会变得更加迫切.


Ad buyer: We want the broadcast measurement and the digital one to be the same “currency.“数字印象不符合我们的计算. 我们如何将印象转化为总评分点(grp) ??

D2C distributor: 在数字领域,您可以与您选择的供应商进行验证. 你更喜欢用尼尔森、Comscore还是ispot来衡量.tv, Samba TV, TV Squared, Videoamp, Moat, Double Verify, IAS, Lotame, Google, Innovid, Truoptik, Kinetiq, or something else?

有太多的选择正是问题所在 广告总监里德·巴克. “There are hundreds of measurement companies out there all doing different beacons,” Barker says, generally reporting whether a viewer watched a given ad and how much of it they watched.

“品牌既购买线性广告,也购买基于印象的广告, and some of those linear networks on vMVPDs do replacement of the broadcast ads in CTV,” Barker says. “A number of these networks are taking advantage of that and not using Nielsen to measure, 而是使用印象信标.” Translation: They are applying a single number here, but the number is impressions.

The premise is simple: It would be great to have one universal measurement, 因为从理论上讲,这会让事情变得更简单. “There's so much experimentation with multiple measurement vendors and multiple currencies right now as things are moving from linear to CTV to see what sticks and what actually the advertisers want at the end of the day,” says Barker.

“数量一直是个问题, but it's been a problem at the 5% level where it hasn't risen to billions of dollars,” says Barker. “But if you look at all the e-marketer curves of what happened in the upfront about dollars shifting—with linear dollars going down and CTV dollars going up—we're hitting a critical mass. 这将成为人们需要解决的一个明显的挑战. 但到目前为止只有信号和噪音.”

Large publishers are trying to bridge the gap between broadcast and CTV for advertisers, he says, by “trying to do some sort of translation layer” between impression-based ads and GRPs. “Right now, it's a lot of people trying to figure out what's the best way to represent the value that they’re providing by showing an ad.”

这真的是个问题吗? 很多人似乎都这么认为. I can’t count the number of conference panels I’ve done where this topic is debated ad nauseam by people who are paid to worry about these issues. 但对我们其他人来说, maybe the idea that you should be able to explain anything so a five-year old can understand it holds true here.

First, there was broadcast TV and it was measured by a very large company called Nielsen, where they once had viewers fill out paper documents to track what they watch, 后来他们又制作了一个数字版本. The company then took this representative group—a few people chosen to show the activity of a larger group—and its reporting as a viewing measurement.

然后是流媒体,我们衡量事物的方式发生了变化. Nielsen soon had competition from other companies to show how many people watched something. But in this case, the way things were added up changed because the viewing environment was different. 之后的很多年, people complained that the two measurement types were different and it was hard to get one number from two different measurements.

问题是,成年人有时彼此之间不友好. 而不是试着好好相处, the people using these measurements tried to get other people to use the measurement they preferred. 在我们等待他们解决分歧的同时, 我们有两个测量值, and each media company has their own groups trying to make sure they can get one number from two measurements.


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很长一段时间以来, people I've interviewed have complained about how much of the video advertising budget went to social. 现在,潮流正在转变.


在看过Nielsen/Gracenote的2023年游戏状态报告后, Data-Driven Per­sonalization: The Future of Streaming Content Discovery, 我发现他们引用的数字非常有创意. 当我想到他们的研究时,我没有一种温暖、模糊的感觉.


广告购买正在改变. For example, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.


For this column, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, VP and general manager of data and addressable enablement at Comcast Advertising, about a question that lands firmly on the deterministic side: "What is addressable advertising?" The term "addressable" refers to targeting digital and broadcast inventory and being able to buy audience segments on a household level.


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广告技术每年带来数十亿美元的收入. So why can't people understand what it is, how it works, and why they should care?


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