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Video viewers spend plenty of time watching online videos 和 are hungry for more content in every part of the conversion process. 这里有三种通过创建利基内容来瞄准特定受众的方法.

许多c很多公司都犯了一个错误,就是制作的视频内容过于宽泛. A观众, 与此同时, 是否在在线视频领域寻找更窄、更利基的内容.

Video viewers spend plenty of time watching online videos 和 are hungry for more content in every part of the conversion process. 这里有三种通过创建利基内容来瞄准特定受众的方法.


在开始任何视频活动之前,为你的内容建立主要受众. It is easy to fall into the habit of saying, “let’s make a one-size-fits-all video for everyone.“事实是,这样的心态不会让你得到你希望达到的结果.

网络视频通过搜索到达许多观众, so choosing a topic 和 optimizing it for SEO is a way to pinpoint a target viewer 和 a customer. This approach can be as simple as creating videos based on what your audience is searching for.

首先要花时间确定受众的内容旅程. 例如, 你的受众是现有客户吗, 潜在客户, 投资者, 内部员工, 公众人士, B2B, B2C, 未来的员工, 或者是一个完全不熟悉你公司的人?

选择一名观众,并在视频制作过程的每个环节记住他们, 包括前期制作, 生产, 帖子, 分布, 和市场营销.

Every step along the way will play a significant role in how your messaging is received by the viewers--the creative direction, script, 人才, 以及整个视频的基调. Always remember the age 和 demographic of your audience 和 how they prefer to receive information.

The next important step when crafting your niche videos is determining the most compelling call to action. 你想让这个观众做什么? 你想让他们购买吗, 获取更多信息, 报名参加某事, 订阅, 或者分享视频? It could be a combination of these items but identifying one strong call-to-action for each video will simplify the process 和 make it more dynamic.

A helpful tip in the case of external consumer videos is to think about the storyline of your content. 大多数在线观众都受到广告的轰炸, so try to demonstrate how your product or company can solve this audience’s problems early in a video. Focus on the pain points 和 create visual stories around them rather than creating loud commercials.

确保你的视频清楚地陈述和展示他们要解决的问题, 以及他们要为谁解决问题.

行动号召对每个受众都是不同的, 有些可能取决于你的分销平台的能力, 下一节将讨论.

识别 掌握平台

T同样的视频不必在你的品牌使用的每个平台上都出现. 如果把视频放在更少的地方,这个策略可能会更有效, 当你试图瞄准特定的受众时. 在大多数情况下, a company website can be a very different experience compared to social video platforms like YouTube, 脸谱网, Instagram, 和LinkedIn. 因此,单个视频资产将无法跨这些渠道工作.

发行商应该在计划过程的早期就准确地知道在哪里发布视频. 这些信息可以决定如何制作在线视频. 例如, 根据平台定制每个视频, 所以知道什么有效是很重要的, 更重要的是, 什么不, 尤其是针对小众受众.

回想一下你的主要受众,他们在哪里,他们会怎么看你的视频? Having a video on website l和ing page can create longer viewing sessions with the benefit of complementary content surrounding a video player. This is a compelling approach to introduce that audience to further products 和 solutions offered.

如果受众正在使用前面提到的一些社交平台, you have an opportunity to grab them with an informational 和 entertaining piece of promoted content marketing.

即使受众使用多个平台, 把你的视频发布给一个最能引起小众观众共鸣的人.

一旦你完成了你的研究并选择了一个目的地, 掌握这些平台并了解其功能和局限性是明智的做法. 例如, a br和 would like to use one of the clickable buttons features on YouTube, like 卡片或结束屏幕. Knowing about the interactive features inside a video player can help when scripting 和 shooting a video.

同样的方法也适用于公司网站上使用的其他在线视频平台. Are there any features that you can build into that video that will lead the viewer to the goal of that campaign? 其他资产如白皮书可以吗, 博客文章, 社交媒体联系, or presentations be placed around that video to guide this audience further along the content journey?


几乎所有平台都可以为营销人员提供一些参数, 因此,研究分析可以为营销人员提供许多有用的信息. 对于这个话题, demographic 和 geographic locations are vital in determining if the video reaches the target audience. Evaluating analytics ahead of time can help determine whether the platform is the right one for a given campaign. 同样,每个视频频道都与下一个不同.

记住,如果你的用户很少或小众,那么观看次数并不重要. What is essential is reaching an audience that is dedicated 和 may turn into something more than a view.

相反,要评估一些因素,比如你制作的小众视频的持续时间. 然后, look at engagement rates with that audience 和 see how long-form or short-form content performs. 你的观众是否完整地观看了你的内容? 他们是否在分享你的内容或评论你? 评估这些指标可以帮助你改进未来在线视频活动的策略.


如前所述, one of the most powerful ways to grab a niche audience is by including search engine optimization early on in your creation process.

Get together with your internal or external SEO experts 和 research the questions 和 search terms the target audience uses. This information from your primary audience can fuel your content creation 和 the likelihood that a video will reach an audience.

营销人员可以精心制作视频中的内容,以针对特定的用户或客户. 这段视频来自Microchip公司 是一个很好的例子.

In 这个视频, 他们不仅为他们的目标观众创造了一个特定的话题, 但他们也在视频标题中使用了这些搜索词. 这种策略使视频很容易被他们的利基受众发现.

为更先进的在线视频平台, use built-in tools or create video site maps that include metadata like keywords in 和 around your video players. 然后,花额外的时间填充这些标记和字段. 这些事情很重要,在YouTube、Instagram等平台上也会产生影响.

采纳这些建议,并将它们应用到你自己的视频策略中. This approach will lead to more qualified viewers that can contribute to the goals of your overall video marketing efforts.

在一个数字景观充斥着内容的世界里, 在在线视频生态系统中开辟自己的利基市场似乎就像在迷宫中导航. 作为一个深度投入于创造有目的和原创内容的人, 我开始欣赏制作小众在线视频的艺术. Let's delve into this topic by exploring the best practices that set you apart 和 foster genuine connections with your audience.
在拥挤的数字内容领域, 要抓住并留住观众的注意力需要时间. Br和s are encouraged to continually feed the algorithm beast 和 produce current 和 relevant content. 在在线视频中, there lies a golden opportunity: leveraging current events 和 trending topics to craft compelling narratives with video content.
By now, most marketers underst和 the importance of online video to successful content strategy. 然而,许多制作在线视频的品牌可能没有看到他们预期的结果. 那么你如何解决你的下一个活动? 以下是我们的机构在与视频出版商合作时遇到的五个最常见的问题.
随着您的在线视频内容库的增长, 将正确的视频传递给正确的人是至关重要的. 带着这个目标, here are five tips 和 best practices to follow when placing videos on your company website 和 relevant pages.
Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to use Vimeo Showcase to deliver a collection of videos to any audience--a great way to present a group of videos as a br和ed experience.
在这个快速教程中, Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to make embeddable 和 shareable GIFs from your client videos using Vimeo's new GIF creation feature.
即使有这些令人瞠目结舌的数据, 关于视频的投资回报率的问题仍然不可避免地出现. 考虑到这一点, 我想分享一些想法和经验,可以进一步帮助营销人员, 出版商, 而创作者们则将公司在线视频所能完成的一切扩展到更广的范围.