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Tutorial: Fixing Flawed Audio in Adobe Creative Cloud

在这篇入门级教程中,我将解决以下三个音频问题:消除突击声和点击声等瞬态噪音, cleaning up pervasive background noises, punching up weak-sounding audio.

当我在录制一个事件或教程时,我通常可以处理高质量的视频. Usually, it’s the audio that bites me in the rear. The causes are many and not worth exploring here; this tutorial is about what to do when your audio is suboptimal. 在这个入门级教程中,我将解决以下三个问题:

  • Removing transient noises like pops and clicks
  • Cleaning up pervasive background noises
  • Punching up weak-sounding audio

Where to Work

Adobe在Premiere Pro CC 2019中加强了音频工具,做得非常出色, 因此,您现在可以在Premiere Pro中执行许多传统上需要前往试镜的操作. Many operations, like balancing audio from multiple sources, including dialogue, background music, special effects, and ambient sound, 在Premiere Pro的Essential Sound面板中表现更好吗, 这也是伟大的快速修复许多音频文件.

However, 如果你正在处理单个演讲者的单个音频文件——比如说, from a political speech, seminar, 或其他录音-你得到更好的控制和优越的视觉输入在试听, which typically translates to better results. Fortunately, 在Audition中进行双向编辑非常简单,只需右键单击音频文件并在Adobe Audition中选择Edit Clip (Figure 1, below). This creates a separate audio file, inserts that into the Premiere Pro timeline, and opens the file in Audition. Once you’re done with your work in Audition, save the audio file as normal, 和Premiere Pro将更新文件的时间轴与最新的变化.


Figure 1. Getting to Adobe Audition

Transient Noise Removal via Auto Heal

我通常要解决的第一个问题是消除音频中的瞬间噪音,比如麦克风发出的砰的一声和咔哒声(或者随机的相机咔哒声). 虽然Premiere Pro有一个自动点击删除功能, it’s never worked that well for me, so I prefer Audition’s Auto Heal feature.

The procedure is simple:

1. 放大音频文件,尽可能隔离点击. (如果你不熟悉在试听导航,看看这个教程
2. 选择瞬态噪声尽可能接近(在左侧) Figure 2, below).
3. Choose Auto Heal Selection (Ctrl+U).

Figure 2. Removing transient noises with Auto Heal

如下图所示,在图2的最右边有“After”, 试听可以去除噪音,并保留噪音下的环境声音, 而不是简单地插入一个完全沉默的时刻. It’s an incredibly effective tool.

Fixing Stuff in Audition

让我们检查一下用于演示接下来两个步骤的音频文件, shown on the right in Figure 3. By way of background, 音频是通过音板上的XLR音频在流媒体西部的舞厅捕获的, 我将在一些基于那次会议的在线培训材料中使用它. 听文章前后的录音.

快速浏览一下就会发现(至少有两个)问题. First, there’s a slight bushiness in the midline, which reflects that background noise in the audio file. 我确实见过更糟糕的,但对普通听众来说,噪音是明显的. 第二个问题是音量,其峰值约为-9分贝. 虽然制作人在这方面有所不同,但我喜欢在-3 dB和0 dB之间的峰值.

在波形中还有两个你看不到的问题,我也将在下面说明. Although I used a lavaliere microphone, some reverb crept into the audio, which we’ll remove with a new Audition effect. In addition, 因为这是我那天教的第二个3小时课程, my voice was a bit weak and indistinct. 我想把它压缩一下,让在线听众更容易理解我在说什么.

Figure 3. Waveform on the right; Step 1 of noise reduction on the left

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