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免费的 ad-supported television (FAST) services have grown considerably since the pandemic. 当然, 模式先锋, 比如冥王星电视台, 在危机之前就存在了, but it wasn’t until everyone was sequestered at home and wanting to stream everything that FAST really became important. 为什么? Perhaps one reason was because people wanted access to more choice and more content without subscribing to additional services. Remember that a lot of streaming viewers grew up in the arms of cable operators, 给予他们比他们真正想要的更多的渠道(和选择). 在你否定这个想法之前, think about the average number of streaming services to which people subscribe; 根据…&P·卡根,是6.截至2022年3月.

That is the first thing the growth of FAST shows us: People want choice. Even though they complained about having to pay exorbitant cable or satellite operator fees for channels they never watched, it wasn’t the number of channels they cut the cord to get away from. It was the feeling of being charged for something they didn’t use. FAST appeals to that desire for selection but in a much better way. 它是免费的. 如果你仔细想想, perhaps what truly bothers people about pay-TV operators is that they appear to be double-dipping. They make money monthly from subscribers and also from advertisers. 与快速, 运营商, 比如冥王星电视台或孔雀电视台, 能从广告中赚多少钱, 但这对观众来说是没有成本的.

The second thing that FAST teaches us about viewers is how they want to view television content. If you ask anyone in the industry about what’s really broken with the streaming experience, 他们总是会回答, “内容发现.” Yes, finding what to watch when it’s just a laundry list of titles is hard. But FAST makes content available to viewers in a manner similar to traditional broadcast. 标题以线性方式排列. When a user logs in to a FAST provider, they watch what is currently showing. 当然, 还有查找内容的选项, but the most prevalent interface features content in a linear fashion. 从技术角度来看, the content isn’t live (this used to be called pseudo-live: treating a VOD asset like it’s a live stream), 但在观众看来,它就是这样.

The growth of FAST could be attributed to the fact that it provides viewers with a content experience they are used to. 有时, people don’t want to find content to watch because they don’t have a specific title in mind. 他们只是想要娱乐、获得信息或被逗乐. 观众希望看到一些东西. 如果它不有趣, they can just look at other channels until they find something that is interesting.


The popularity and growth of FAST show us that viewing behavior, 尽管流媒体正在兴起, 并没有太大的变化. People want choice, but they want it in a way that meets their needs. The FAST experience is a combination of passive (choice is mindless; just flip through channels) and deliberate (search for a specific content title or genre). That’s the true innovation: FAST doesn’t scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do. And FAST will continue to evolve to improve upon the viewer experience.

接下来会发生什么?? Imagine personalized and individualized linear channels based on data analysis that would also include third-party data in addition to the first-party data collected by the viewer choices in the platform. Viewers could channel-surf content that’s selected (and stitched together) specifically for them. 当然,这些广告也将与上下文相关.

When you think about it this way, how viewers behave really hasn’t changed. But the means by which they watch is getting better every day.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


随着生成式人工智能的进步, just-intime代码转换, SSAI缝合, 以及其他流媒体视频技术栈组件, companies like Infuse Video are demonstrating that the true vision of video personalization—changing the video content itself—is finally at hand.


The evolution of the evolution of TV is coming soon, hinted at by services like Norsk. 我已经等不及了.


2022年的最后一个月, my inbox filled with predictions for 2023 from industry soothsayers of every variety, a phenomenon I found so fascinating that I gathered up the most interesting and posted them. 当然, the very nature of making predictions is sharing 信息 you don't really have and guessing at a future you can't possibly see.


你可能会觉得我疯了, as the executive director of the world's largest streaming technical association, 问这个专栏标题中的问题. But I think it's actually important that we do a gut check every once in a while.


The future of streaming is about unification built on top of a single open standard of content metadata. 现在,这是只见树木不见森林的问题.


一个blockchain-based, ledger-and-wallet approach promises a digital rights management that's just as effective as anything we have now, 这样做的好处是对消费者更友好.


'Delivery' is one of the most commonly used words in our business? 但这到底是什么意思呢? If we think it's just about protocols and bytes, we're never going to catch up to traditional TV.