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SMNYC 2024: Grabyo's Clare Butler Talks Cloud Streaming Services and Pricing Models

At 流媒体纽约2024蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体,采访克莱尔·巴特勒,营销高级副总裁, Grabyo. Butler highlights that Grabyo is not geographically bound and caters to anyone working in the live space, 包括新闻广播员, 体育俱乐部, 娱乐制作人. 她还强调了云解决方案的成本效益, 注意到云技术现在与内部部署解决方案不相上下, 提供即时回放和 SCTE-35 广告插入.



巴特勒说,Grabo 100%是云原生的,100%是在云中构建的. 这是现场演出, 分布, 视频货币化平台, 她是市场部的高级副总裁.

“When you say 100% in the cloud for production, is the focus of it primarily Europe, or the US? 你的潜在客户从哪里来?西格林问道.

“一切都结束了,”巴特勒说. “没有地理界限. 是任何在现场工作的人. 所以我们可以去找新闻播音员, 娱乐和/或体育, 通过其他任何制作直播内容的人. So it could be sports rights holders, it could be 体育俱乐部 and teams. 那个地方的任何人都有可能.”


Siglin asks Butler to talk about the 纽约流媒体 panel she was just on (“Lining The Cloud For Live & 视频点播”).

巴特勒说:“这真是太棒了. “It was basically [focused on] build versus 买 your own cloud production. The focus of content was around on-prem infrastructure versus cloud-based infrastructure.”


“没错,”巴特勒说. “这真的很有趣,也很迷人. 当然, 我经常坐在云空间里, so it was important to put across the variance of tech choices that people have these days. Cloud services are very easily integrated into existing on-prem infrastructure. So there's a hybrid approach there versus those who want to build their own, 然后他们也有技术上的选择.”

Butler进一步分解了“构建vs .构建”的概念. 买.” “I like to talk about the cloud from one end of the spectrum to the other,她说。. “因此,‘自己动手’在很大程度上是在光谱的一边, where your organization may have a lot of heavy resources such as engineering. There's a lot of maintenance involved in building your own versus the other end of the spectrum, which is a SaaS modern version for live production [and] fully managed service, which makes it more accessible for a lot more people that don't necessarily have that access to the big budgets for engineering and resources like that.”

西格林说,在他26年的行业工作中, he has seen the pendulum swing back and forth between on-prem versus cloud. “混合动力是一种相对较新的概念,他说, “but one of the pushbacks that sometimes happens with cloud is your CAPEX cost is lower, but your OPEX cost is higher from the standpoint of continuing using somebody else's solution, 收取的保费. 我们每年为《百家乐软件》做两次调查, 我们开始看到人们说, “我的云账单太高了.因此,从运营成本的角度来看,这种经济模式适用于哪里?”

Butler says Grabyo has an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) as a volume pricing discount model. “与我们交谈的人都是广播工程方面的人, 或者生产方面, might not necessarily know that there is an EDP commitment that their organization has,她说。. “这样他们就可以获得我们的服务, 例如, 通过AWS市场, where they can take advantage of the discounted services that they've already committed to. And then, of course, it also helps them eat away at their committed volumes. 所以他们不仅利用了更好的折扣价格, but they're also making sure that their financial colleagues are kept happier by consuming the amount of services they've committed to.”


Siglin说, “你显然站在云阵营, but what do you see from a parity standpoint between on-prem and cloud systems?”

“如果你在一年前问我这个问题,我会说, 这将是一个完全不同的答案, only because we've very much pushed that technology to areas that we haven't really seen before,巴特勒说. “就平价而言,让我们以产科卡车为例. 它有100个功能,你可能只会用到其中的15到20个. Now, in the cloud, we've focused on building those features that are [mainly] used. 因此,现在比以往任何时候都更需要云技术与本地部署技术平起平坐. 例如, 在过去一年左右的时间里,我们引入了一些新功能, (比如)即时回放……(为此)你需要一个)获得evs认证的操作员, 而现在我们已经在云端建立了这个功能. 所以你可以看到明显的好处, 通过SCTE-35广告插入,帮助直播内容货币化. 这是我们发现的另一件大事.

“在我们与 放大, 我们已经为直播剪辑平台推出了人工智能, 它允许大规模的自动剪切和高亮. You can also curate the content as well by choosing to really craft the stories as they unfold from the events themselves, 知道你永远不会错过任何一个节拍. So, 从粉丝参与的角度来看, 大量、大规模地发布这些内容, the human lens that you'd put on that as afforded by the combination of Grabyo and 放大 allows for much better quality content at scale. Your fans are consuming a lot more content that they'll be happy to engage with.”

Siglin说, “很明显, large language models fit better in a cloud scenario than they do on an on-prem anyway, 从计算的角度来看.”

“从整合的角度来看也是如此,”巴特勒说. “It's very easy to test out these solutions in the cloud versus on-prem. 在本地的硬件情况下, 它的能力仅限于它的寿命. 从运营成本和资本支出的角度来看,这是一个很大的优势, is that you are going to benefit from all the upgrades the next time you open your browser. So you're not limited to the capacity of the hardware and basically the cloud services just get better and better.”



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

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