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云对. On-Prem: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

Learn more about cloud migration at Streaming Media West 2022.

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Robert Reinhardt: 许多十年前投入使用的基础设施仍然存在. And it's just a matter of a point of failure, right? 你有多少次遇到过处于决策点的机构, “嘿, 我们必须在我们一直在做的事情上重新增加资本投资.“当你向他们提供产品时,你是否参与了这种对话??

Rich Mavrogeanes: 通常不是. The truth is I've been doing this for like 40 years. 1997年,我创立了一家名为VBrick的公司,开始了我的事业,并以IP多播为基础建立了这家公司,因为我们有共享媒体, 10 Megabit ethernet hubs is what we were fighting against. And Cabletron wiring systems. 如果你想从RealNetworks获得邮票大小的视频,你可以通过拨号获得. 如果你想做其他的事情,你需要5兆的带宽,对吧? That was MPEG-2, MPEG-1 streaming. You needed big stuff. If you look at it today, everybody has at least a 100 megabits; almost everybody has gig in the backbone. And the need for that multicast scale is no longer there. 您可以使用单播来完成过去需要多播的相同操作. So the level of complexity is much lower. 我们看到的是做这些事情的基础设施. As long as it's not exotic, it's there. And we support ABR and all of the bandwidth mitigation things.

但是当我说“适合工作的工具”时,让我给你们举两个简单的例子. 如果你看看整个罗德岛州,我们的邻居(我来自康涅狄格州). 我们负责整个州议会的视频直播和视频点播. 他们要开数百次会议——众议院、参议院和委员会会议——都是直播的,都是录音的, and that's all done on the cloud. 它之所以在云上,是因为它需要可扩展,这取决于有多少观众. So it's not a server in the sky. 这是一个真正的可扩展的基础设施,也就是我所说的“云”." Compare that to district, a school district in Texas. Texas is really big, if you haven't heard. 德克萨斯州的一个学区和罗德岛州一样大,相当于整个州. It's just a huge place. And that district has about 92, 93 schools in it. And they put in a premise-based system, and they do the same kind of thing that we do in the cloud, but they do it privately. And they do it for security, for privacy. 因为在很多文化中都有动力去做基于前提的事情, because they're either afraid of the cloud, or it's just momentum. “嘿, I got this iron here. Why don't we just reuse it?" And they can stick it on their premise. So it's not always a practical reason. 有时候是文化原因,一直都是这样.

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