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IBC 2023报告-派拉蒙,华纳兄弟.漫威高管讨论电影实验室2030年愿景


This is year four of a ten-year journey to transition the backbone of Hollywood studio production and distribution to software and the cloud, 还有很多工作要做,如果 电影实验室2030愿景 是要实现的.

“我真的很高兴这是一个10年的愿景, 不是2-3年的,安东尼·瓜里诺说, 全球制作和工作室技术执行副总裁 Paramount. “We’ve made great progress in some areas, but others will take time to work through.”

帕蒂·赫希,消费者数字全球执行副总裁 & Platforms - Warner Bros. Discovery他表示赞同:“我很高兴有一个十年计划. 我们需要时间来全面改变我们的遗留系统. 这需要很大的努力.”

艾迪·德雷克,技术主管, Marvel Studios, commented, “Progress has been made, but there’s still a long runway to go. 我们是在做长远打算. 我们有耐心,我们想要一些可行的东西. 我们确实认为我们正在跟上这一步伐.”

电影实验室2030愿景 was launched at IBC 2019 to chart and lead the future of movie creation. The research body’s Chief Executive, Richard Berger prefaced a panel of Hollywood CTOs at IBC 2023他说:“这不是预测——这是我们希望它成为的样子. Creative teams are faced with historical levels of production complexity with more deliverables per title, rapidly changing technologies and under tight schedules with a scarcity of talent and resources. Our vision is about creating a more secure and interoperable media workflow to give more time back to creatives.”

Interoperability underpins all the principles of the 2030 Vision and is now a key focus of the initiative. One problem is that movie production has traditionally operated as individual silos of highly bespoke “snowflake” workflows, 即使是在同一个工作室. A goal of the joint venture is to agree on and implement a common architecture that can enable production teams to integrate diverse software tools, services, 基础设施无缝衔接.

“我们了解云计算的好处, 但我们也高度专业化, 为我们的电影制作人提供高度定制的解决方案,” said Drake. “We’ve got to move from traditional file systems to more object-based methodology. We’ve also got to get vendors to open up their products with microservices and APIs. We need some fundamental infrastructure changes to facilitate changes in media.”

一些供应商似乎对这一讨论持开放态度. Avid and Autodesk were name-checked as leading creative tool developers in talks with MovieLabs about interoperable cloud workflows.

“We need to start tearing down those walls – it needs to feel like one Cloud,” Drake asserted. “There is a real need for a single metadata repository for our company right now. 我们正在寻找合作伙伴. 我们希望在脚本阶段创建元数据, 而不是在供应链下游进行管理.”

Paramount has recently formed a centralized global production technology group to oversee production and innovation in this space. 它做到了这一点, 解释Guarino, because studios historically work with multiple filmmakers on multiple projects in parallel, 这就没有留下太多的空间来关注长期的变化.

“We’re looking for commonality of challenges and opportunities across disparate production groups,” he said. “我们不能指望创意人员在相同的工具上工作. 他们想要选择的自由,而工作室必须支持这一点. 与此同时,工作流也变得越来越复杂. We need a layer that encompasses a large toolkit and provides for interconnected workflows; otherwise, 系统会崩溃的.”

Paramount has also begun deploying an internal production user ID scheme where any member of a production team would only need to authenticate once in order to access all applications and assets associated with a project. “我们正在消除安全方面的摩擦,”他说.

Noting that the pandemic was an accelerant to innovation by cloud providers, 比如高性能存储, Michael Wise, SVP and CTO, 环球影业他表示,将定制工作流程迁移到云端仍然是一个挑战.

“Whether it’s color correction or post workflows or ancillary services like merchandise, theme parks, and archive, 互操作性是我们所需要的. 通用本体将释放云的好处.”

MovieLabs recently published version 2 of an ontology for media creation. “We hope the industry rallies around it since a fundamental first step is a common data model,” Berger said.

“The creative community creates snowflake bespoke workflows for a reason – it enables them to create the best stories, so it is important for us to take a step back and ask how we make tools that interoperate with assets with a similar ontology so that it can pass across systems from a workstation in an office to the laptop of an executive at their house in Malibu.”

Hirsch added, “如果你能给他们提供一些有效而简单的东西, 他们不会设计自己的解决方案. 这就是让我们保持动力的原因.”

All the issues aired here align with the active work MovieLabs is doing this year. They are – the 用于生产的通用安全架构 (CSAP), 安全方面的零信任之旅, and implementations of its Ontology for Media Creation and Asset/Data Interchange.

“这些领域需要填补空白, frankly, 一些硬技术, 要解决的工作流程和变更管理挑战,” Berger said. “We are hoping that there are organizations that are beginning to focus on these specific challenges as filling some of these gaps accelerates the potential benefits across the entire industry.”

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