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In the pursuit of catalyzing profit, 一段时间以来,大型视频流媒体公司一直在从根本上改变其增长收入和削减成本的方法, 通过裁员, password-sharing镇压, 许可 of catalog content to rival streamers, 和, 值得注意的是, the introduction of 广告 tiers. Following in the footsteps of Hulu, 网飞公司, 和其他人, Amazon Prime Video became the latest platform to introduce 广告支持层 to their streaming service earlier this year. 向广告支持流媒体的推动已经改变了内容预算的分配方式和我们看到的内容的数量. 在这个扩展的广告支持的领域,大多数内容需要在规模上执行.e., drive time spent, ad inventory 和 ad revenue) or its days are numbered.

The pivot to adding an 广告 tier is ubiquitous in streaming, 和 content budget rebalancing quickly followed suit. 第一个, 我们看到表现不佳的内容从订阅视频点播(SVOD)层中撤出,并在其他地方分发或销售. 去年,华纳兄弟. 发现 推出了几个系列 on free ad-supported TV (FAST) channels rather than its SVOD offering. 迪斯尼 pulled dozens of shows 和 movies 2023年从迪士尼+和Hulu撤下. 我们还看到像网飞公司这样的平台全面恢复了他们的内容授权策略,以补充他们更昂贵的原创内容, “适合” 破纪录的成功 在2023年,《百家乐软件》第二季开播.”

这些流媒体从他们的SVOD服务中提取的内容和在其他地方分发的内容代表了没有流媒体收入的内容成本——这种被降级到云存储底部的内容很少, 如果有, 由用户搜索和查看. However, in this new context, it’s beginning to reap financial benefits.

不用说, 从你的SVOD服务中剔除内容和继续取悦和留住用户之间要取得平衡. 没有一个完整的图书馆是对今天的经验的一种偏离,并将产生负面影响, 有些比其他的大. 在彩带, 谁也是知识产权所有者, 选择在特定的内容格式上投资还是撤资,将在很大程度上决定平台未来想要为消费者服务的领域——无论是新领域, 水冷机风格原件, 穹窿的, 或者授权内容, 包括体育.

Optimizing for Ads: The Flashy Debut, The Vault, The Cheap 和 Cheerful

For platforms looking to grow subscriber numbers, a large chunk of content investment happens up front. 它是大的, flashy pieces of content that drive new eyeballs: A-list actors, 脚本化的故事情节, 高生产质量, 以及可观的营销预算. 迪斯尼+, for example, gained a record-breaking 新增订户41.3万 at its release of the musical “Hamilton in 2020. 简而言之,具有特定文化相关性的内容吸引了一批新的订阅者. 这就是我们看到平台投入巨额预算制作原创项目的原因. However, the easy growth is behind streamers now. Most of the major platforms have hit mass scale, 与确保现有用户更频繁地观看和看到更多广告相比,扩大他们的订户基础的成本更高.

This brings us back to content rebalancing. 前进, 我们将看到大量的内容投资,让现有的订阅者观看更多的内容, but this will need to be done in a very cost-effective manner. Enter: the quality evergreen content 和 the cheap 和 cheerful content. 这些内容将服务于驱动大量时间花费和广告库存的核心目的,并具有出色的投资回报. We’ve seen this content strategy implemented by music streamers, 和 we’ve seen it in the digital publishing boom as well, to varying degrees of short-term success. 该看电视了.

Live Events in the Advertising Era

The profitability of the 广告 model has proven its worth; 网飞公司, for example, flaunts a higher average revenue per user in its ad tier 业内人士预计,这将超过其标准订阅级别 超越 迪斯尼+ in US 广告 revenue in 2024. To generate more profitability with its streaming service, 迪斯尼’s Bob Iger outwardly admitted that last year’s price hikes were meant to migrate more users into the platform’s 广告 tier.

As streaming services 和 广告 become more intrinsically linked, 与过去相比,流媒体现在更关心优化内容类型以赚取广告收入. 除了投资重播经典和更便宜的内容,还有更多的剧集, 平台发现,在体育等领域的直播活动授权中,广告价值很高. Events both big 和 niche are already commonplace in streaming. 这是一种借鉴于ESPN、福克斯(Fox)和华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)等老牌电视公司的模式,但很快就会被窃取. 最近公布的 联合体育流媒体服务 that will offer content from all the major leagues. Big live events bring in big appointment viewership audiences, which in turn drive big sponsorship dollars. Sports is leading the charge here, with Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime Video, Friday Night Baseball on Apple TV+, U.S. 马克斯足球. Even 网飞公司 has entered the arena of live sports with 网飞公司杯,他们的 first celebrity golf tournament, 和 网飞公司大满贯, a match between Rafael Nadal 和 Carlos Alcaraz.  

这种传统的双重收入流(运输费+广告)是线性电视在很长一段时间内如此成功的原因, 和 as we move into a new phase of streaming, a new three-pronged revenue model—subscription, 许可, 广告正在以重要的方式塑造流媒体平台的内容投资和许可策略. 


在一个内容筛选的时代, 流媒体必须根据他们的长期商业目标来决定哪些内容是最有价值的. And how can they assess the value of a piece of content? 让数据说话.

Platforms have the data to intimately underst和 their audiences, 用户行为, 广告达到, 和更多的. To assess the ROI of a specific piece of content, they must evaluate how many users are watching it for how long. 例如, a series might have a relatively small audience, but if that audience is constantly rewatching the show, it becomes an incredibly valuable piece of content for 广告. 二八法则——20%的受众产生80%的广告收入——可能适用于流媒体服务. As streamers’ ad revenue increases in importance, 了解20%的“超级用户”以及平台如何从他们身上获得一到两个增量广告印象是至关重要的. It’s the multi-million-dollar question streamers will need to answer.

With granular data on how content is consumed within the platform, streamers can also run in-depth audience analyses to inform content spend. 画一个维恩图, 其中每个圈包含一个不同内容的列表,服务于一个不同的受众. 在一个只有订阅的世界里, 平台希望为不同的受众提供服务,这些受众不一定消费相同的内容, so the content that resides in the overlap of the Venn diagram, 在很多情况下, 被认为没有价值. In an ad-supported business model, 然而, 同样的内容——跨越多个受众群体的内容——可能会为平台增加显著的增量价值, as it generates more eyeballs for 广告.

How we approach content spend is changing, 和 it’s not because consumer preferences are changing, it’s because the way streamers make money is. 在这个新的三管齐下的收入流世界里,内容策略更像是一种数据驱动的方法, 随着流媒体平台不断调整内容预算,以优化广告收入, they’ll find their footing on a different path than they’ve previously traveled.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 努力流. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Quality 和 Quantity: Why Curation is Table Stakes for CTV Advertising Success

多年来,策展一直承诺简化和完善程序化交易, 然而,在数字生态系统中,它一直难以起飞,在这个生态系统中,买家主要是追求规模最大化和cpm最小化的内容. 但是在中央电视台, where prices are high 和 supply is low, 策展已经成为导航广告最新付费渠道的筹码.

What the DTC Marketing Playbook Will Bring to CTV Advertising

In the ever-evolving 广告 l和scape, 直接面向消费者(Direct-to-Consumer,简称DTC)的品牌正通过将其精细化的技术应用于联网电视(CTV)广告,从而掀起一场革命, high-performance marketing strategies from social platforms. Mike Hauptman of AdLib unveils how DTC br和s are transforming CTV 广告, 将他们久经考验的策略与数据驱动的见解结合起来,比以往任何时候都更有效、更准确地吸引受众.


Vubiquity和Amdocs的Raman Abrol讨论了流媒体的下一个阶段:内容的联合, 广告, 互动体验.

Companies 和 Suppliers Mentioned
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