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The Complexities of Sports Streaming Requires Continuous Testing

Adrian Garcia of Applause writes about how the intersection of streaming, 体育, 和 gambling has created a dynamic 和 rapidly evolving l和scape. As streaming technology improves 和 体育 betting becomes more accessible, 需要对这些元素进行测试和整合,以使球迷能够无缝地享受体育和赌博.

The Future of CTV Will Be Powered by Commerce Media Data

维克多雅科夫列夫, 副主任, 产品营销, PubMatic, 讨论了目前数字营销领域有两个正在崛起的超级大国, 他们没有竞争. They're converging, 和 he outlines why that's fantastic news for marketers.

How Content Delivery is Evolving in the Fight for Eyeballs

有更多内容, delivered through more devices 和 apps, pay-TV 和 streaming operators are all fighting hard for eyeballs. This is a tumultuous time for the video entertainment industry, where market saturation 和 rates of subscriber churn are high, 运营商现在比以往任何时候都更需要了解和满足消费者不断变化的需求. By aligning their offerings to consumer expectations, operators can carve out a competitive edge, 增加收入流,并加强他们在激烈竞争的市场中的地位.

Navigating the Streaming Seas: Paramount's Bold Moves 和 Future Challenges

In the ever-evolving l和scape of streaming media, 派拉蒙第一季度财报电话会议揭示了一幅充满机遇和挑战的复杂图景. Amidst shifts in leadership 和 speculation around strategic mergers, Paramount st和s at a crucial juncture. 丹口高曼, Ateliere的创始人兼首席执行官, 作者讨论了他们最近的举动无疑会对全球流媒体行业产生重大影响.

It’s 2024, Do You Know Where Your Customers Are?

接触到不同的观众, 听众, 和 consumers of your media isn't just about your main channels anymore. 无论他们想要如何沟通,你都必须找到吸引他们的方法. In 2024 that involves mobile apps, 网络应用程序, 网站, 流媒体应用, 其他流媒体服务, 和更多的. 它还包括提供访问你的内容的人——移动运营商, 互联网运营商, 有线电视提供商.

At NAB, Content Will be at the Mercy of Connectivity

随着广播公司和内容提供商前往下周在拉斯维加斯举行的NAB会议, a quiet transformation is unfolding within the world of content 和, 更具体地说, 内容交付. It isn't just content evolving, but how it is consumed 和 delivered. That's why connectivity is a major theme at this year's event.

CTV Is on the Verge of Fulfilling Its Creative Promise

Creator-driven广告, full-fledged dynamic creative optimization, 和 real-time contextual 信息 are coming for Connected TV

Fostering Partnerships to Drive Business Growth in Today’s Media Ecosystem

As the media l和scape continues to grow in complexity, 跨价值链的媒体组织在将内容快速送达受众方面面临越来越大的挑战, 有效地, 和成本效益. 然而, LTN的Catherine Gonzalez Pack概述了合适的MSP合作伙伴将如何帮助媒体公司加速进入市场,并在提高成本效率的同时取得长期业务成功.

Despite the Boom, Biddable CTV Has Some Big Problems to Address

While CTV clearly has great potential, promising a blend of the dynamic, real-time benefits of digital with the br和-safe, lean-back-和-enjoy experience of linear TV, OpenX的Geoff Wolinetz认为,可竞价的CTV需要解决两个关键问题:公开市场上的广告欺诈和缺乏标准化的测量协议.


After human connection hit an all-time low in 2020, 人们涌向像Twitch这样的在线平台,填补我们突然集体经历的空白. Streaming quickly grew to accommodate passions of all kind, from gaming to cooking to 体育 和 beyond. 勒克斯Narayan, Co-Founder 和 CEO at StreamAlive, 概述了流媒体从对话氛围中受益的具体方式,并提供了流媒体可以实现这些交互以与观众建立联系的可行方法.

Navigating the Dynamic World of Personalized Advertising for Video Streaming

In today's video streaming l和scape, 对有效广告的追求导致了向动态广告插入(DAI)的范式转变。. 这种先进的方法使广告商能够针对特定受众提供量身定制的内容, maximizing engagement 和 revenue potential. As the streaming industry continues to soar, DAI是游戏规则的改变者, promising enhanced monetization 和 viewer experiences.


在竞争激烈的流媒体领域,争夺观众留存率的战斗继续加剧. Interra Systems的Anupama Anantharaman强调了端到端质量保证的关键作用, 介质质量监控, 而深入的视频分析在满足当今视频消费者不断升级的需求方面发挥着作用,为什么这些过程的作用变得比以往任何时候都更加重要.

Considerations for Providers Shifting from QAM to IP Video Delivery Networks

传统的, controlled broadcast environments are being replaced by dynamic, 多个应用程序和服务必须和谐共存的复杂生态系统. The challenge is to maintain the quality of a provider's main service, like linear TV with dynamically inserted ads, 同时适应第三方应用程序的各种需求和潜在干扰. Yoann Hinard of Witbe discusses the challenges faced throughout this process, 包括远程监控, 动态AD插入, 以及跨设备的QC测试.

Unlocking Contextual Targeting Opportunities on CTV

在数字广告的时间轴上,电视正在一个有趣的时刻被数字化. Just as advertisers are able to target audiences on the big screen, their favorite approach - third party cookies - are going away. 这很不方便, 还有大卫·纳菲斯, CTV在Kargo的总经理, 认为这也是一种催化剂,迫使广告商在CTV上测试和完善其他目标定位方法. One of the most promising is contextual targeting.

The Premium Environment Advantage in CTV Advertising

Vevo和Channel 4的一项联合研究发现,对优质电视内容有明显偏好的消费者增加了近50%. 洛葛仙妮哈雷, Director of Client Strategy at Azerion, 解释了广告商如何适应这种消费者偏好的转变,并在CTV环境中优化广告放置策略,以有效和准确地达到增量, 可寻址的观众.

Beat the Clock: Live Sports Streaming at Scale

To succeed in streaming 体育 at scale, 流媒体必须致力于提供最好的视频质量和可靠的先进体验, all while cracking down on piracy. Synamedia的Simon Brydon详细介绍了如何在体育流媒体中覆盖所有基础.


In the pursuit of catalyzing profit, 一段时间以来,大型视频流媒体公司一直在从根本上改变其增长收入和削减成本的方法, 通过裁员, password-sharing镇压, licensing of catalog content to rival streamers, 和, 值得注意的是, the introduction of advertising tiers.

Is the Future of Music Events Hybrid?

理查德·埃文斯, Senior Content 生产商 at Vizrt, discusses the future of music events 和 the ways that live events, 包括西南偏南音乐节(SXSW)在内的大型音乐节都比以往任何时候都更重视数字体验.

Quality 和 Quantity: Why Curation is Table Stakes for CTV Advertising Success

多年来,策展一直承诺简化和完善程序化交易, 然而,在数字生态系统中,它一直难以起飞,在这个生态系统中,买家主要是追求规模最大化和cpm最小化的内容. 但是在中央电视台, where prices are high 和 supply is low, 策展已经成为导航广告最新付费渠道的筹码.

记录你.S. Election Spending in 2024 Will Generate New AdTech Innovations

The 2024 election is expected to drive record ad revenue, with some estimates putting the total at over $10 billion. This would make the 2024 election the most expensive in US history, 超越2020年大选, which saw $9 billion in ad spending. operation的Dave Dembowski介绍了新技术如何有效地进行细分, 投放可寻址广告, 增加电视购买的数字化,使其更容易瞄准当地市场和观众,以及随之而来的复杂性.

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