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TV is being digitized at an interesting time on the digital advertising timeline. 就像广告商能够在大屏幕上瞄准受众一样, 他们最喜欢的方法——第三方cookie——正在消失. 这很不方便, but it’s also a catalyst to force advertisers to test and perfect other targeting methodologies on CTV. 其中最有希望的是上下文定位.

Consumers have been wary of behaviorally targeted ads as long as they’ve been used. 他们多 更舒适 使用上下文广告, 哪些不依赖于消费者数据, 不要觉得自己有侵犯性, 尤其是在大银幕上. 在家庭层面上,CTV的语境也更有意义. While a behaviorally targeted ad works well if someone is streaming on their mobile device, the content on the TV in the living room may be seen by multiple people. 行为定向广告可能只适用于一个人, 而上下文定位可能与一个群体更相关.

What’s more, contextual targeting on CTV provides value in a number of ways. 首先,上下文定位能吸引注意力 性能更好 与观众. Contextual also helps with brand safety and 适用性 compared to audience targeting or meta data targeting. A brand can ensure that they’re aligning with content that makes sense for their brand because that’s exactly what they are focused on with their targeting. 


Contextual CTV is still new, and there are plenty of reasons that advertisers are hesitant. 没有标准的内容标识符, advertisers have trouble managing a contextual media buy across partners and comparing the outcomes. 的 IAB和Iris 正在解决这个问题吗, but other contextual CTV players will need to follow the standards for it to work. What’s more, brand safety and 适用性 isn’t as effective without access to a full show’s content. Some brands might want to stay away from a show with adult themes entirely, but another brand may just need to ensure they’re shown during the right commercial break. An hour long program could have forty five minutes of positive content that is valuable from a contextual standpoint, but have a murder scene with a commercial break right after it that some brands would want to avoid. 

Advertisers are also limited in their ability to analyze video content in depth, 就像他们在开放的网络上做的那样. 出版商锁定了他们的内容, 并且通过直接集成限制访问, 这会减慢进度. 这使得广告商很难变得更聪明. Publishers are trying to protect the prices they charge for their content, 也不希望广告客户挑三拣四, 但是可以有一个妥协. 


A lot has been said about the challenges of getting contextual targeting to work at scale on CTV, but some of the issues are actually a result of people thinking about CTV as an extension of display, 而不是一个拥有全新机会的新渠道. Publishers should be more open to innovation and negotiation with advertisers. 到目前为止, CTV, 特别是高质量的CTV需求量很大, which means that publishers can work more collaboratively with advertisers on a fair compromise. 

数字广告一直在不断创新, 绕过和穿越障碍, 中央电视台也不例外. New AI technology and attention metrics are providing alternative angles that could clear some hurdles entirely.  AI presents opportunities to create much more effective contextual targeting. 一项研究发现 人工智能支持的上下文定位执行4倍 比控制更好. 上下文定位已经在网络上发生了转变, 下一代人工智能是主要的催化剂. Contextual solutions using generative AI are emerging that enable significantly more nuanced targeting capabilities compared to keywords or URLs. 

的re are other exciting contextual advancements that show just how creative advertisers can get with contextual advertising on CTV. Virtual Product Placement uses AI to select the perfect scene to digital add products. 一个 早期研究 found that even sad or disgusting scenes can work very well contextually for certain brands. Another advancement is “direct-to-glass” which allows advertisers to show display ads throughout the viewing experience, 这就赋予了语境一个全新的含义. An ad for a truck could render in the search results for action-adventure movies, 或者在《百家乐软件》的搜索结果旁边显示时尚广告. 

的se innovations show just how much third party cookies have limited creativity in media buying. 的 promise of digitizing the big screen doesn’t have to be limited to targeting audiences while they watch TV. Contextual targeting on CTV provides a totally blue ocean opportunity for brands to explore. 

[编者注:这是来自 Kargo. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


现代电视广告正处于成长期. Advertisers face new challenges as the landscape shifts from broadcast and cable to a new world of AVOD and FAST. Waymark的Asrah Mohammed讨论了情境定位, 这一策略可以帮助我们驾驭这一新局面.


的 first article in a series sponsored by Progress Partners and its Executive-in-Residence program addressing the big questions the streaming industry is grappling with regarding advertising metrics.

啤酒,赌博,流媒体,我的天! 超级碗广告分析

超级碗广告, 虽然样本相对较小, 是整体广告需求趋势的良好指标吗. 来自AdImpact的John Link回顾了过去三年, and the trends are clear: a few categories like Crypto and Covid-related PSAs are waning, largely being replaced by new categories like Sports Betting and Streaming, and there is more competition in established categories like QSR and Beer.


Despite a worldwide ad spending slowdown, CTV is expected to continue its meteoric growth into 2023. 尽管CTV如此受欢迎,但它不受开支削减的影响, 它仍然存在问题, 尤其是在品牌安全方面, 适用性, 数据透明度. Mario Diez, CEO Peer39, discusses the challenges currently facing CTV.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize their advertising potential. With content spread across so many distribution points and in different forms, publishers now need to integrate a separate toolset for each one to thrive in today's market.

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