

直播峰会, 与流媒体西部联合制作, focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities in在这里nt in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 最佳实践演示将涵盖实时视频工作流程的每一步, 包括摄入, 代码转换, 管理, 保护, 分布, 分析, 以及事后评价.

无论你是流媒体一次性娱乐, 新闻, 体育, 游戏, 或者礼拜活动, 或者提供重复的实时内容, 我们会帮你的. 而其他活动则侧重于活动视频制作, 直播峰会将其提升到一个新的水平, covering the 技术 and strategies required to take that video and deliver it to viewers watching on computers, 平板电脑, 移动电话, 机顶盒, 和智能电视.


  • 流媒体直播到脸谱网直播,潜望镜,和YouTube直播
  • 实时VR/360°流媒体
  • 编码和转码-本地,云和混合
  • Management-metadata, 内容保护, 广告触发, 以及为联合播放和事后视频点播做准备
  • User experience—video 球员s, API and SDK, clip sharing, and social media integration
  • 货币化——广告、订阅、按次付费和身份验证
  • 分发-内容交付网络、实时分析、QoS和QoE

流媒体的直播峰会是美国唯一的直播峰会.S. event to address the highest-level issues and opportunities related to live streaming. This is a must-attend show for technical and business decision makers whose jobs depend on delivering successful large-scale live events and live linear channels online. 


  • 访问所有直播峰会会议
  • 访问流媒体西部主题演讲
  • 清淡的欧陆式早餐,上午和下午休息
  • 星期一晚上的日落欢迎酒会
  • 流媒体西部博览会入场券,包括周二招待会
  • 进入第三届年度 流媒体 啤酒花园 & 周二晚上的社交活动
  • 流媒体 杂志的 周三的读者选择奖早餐
  • 直播峰会 may be registered for separately or is included with our Platinum and Combo Pass options

提供赞助机会. 点击 在这里 有关详细信息,.  


10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

LS101 -直播平台:比较 & 对比

T在这里’s a growing number of options when it comes to live streaming 分布 platforms, 但是每一个都有不同的特性集, 分布函数, 观众达到, 赚钱的机会, 交互性, 这些因素. We’ll open the 直播峰会 with a lively panel discussion that compares and contrasts 脸谱网 Live, YouTube生活, 推特, 潜望镜, 抽搐, Ustream, 转播画面, 以及直播领域的其他平台和服务. This panel will help you understand which platforms and approaches are best suited to particular content genres as well as overall business goals.

主持人: 布莱恩环, Ring Digital llc首席分析师
Tarek Amara,首席视频专家- 抽搐
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

LS102 -直播聚光灯

Content owners behind some of the most innovative live streaming success stories — both live event and live linear — share what they've done, 他们是怎么做到的, 以及你能从他们的经历中学到什么.

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

从潜望镜和抽搐到YouNow和脸谱网 Live, “现场直播”已经成为吸引超级粉丝的最新方式. But technology is only as good as the content that is broadcast on these social broadcasting 网works. Roker Media began in 2016 to channel both technological advances and the creative energy that live streaming has inspired. 使用实时数据和获奖媒体制作印章, Roker Media is the first multi-platform live streaming 网work and lives at the intersection of brands, 有影响力的人, 和观众. 乔恩·伯克和罗纳德·C. Pruett explain how programming is the “win” for live streaming platforms and why it makes sense to develop destination programs for an always-on generation.

罗纳德·普鲁特他是Al Roker娱乐公司首席顾问 & Co.
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

With increasing demand for high-quality video (4K/Ultra HD) and availability of more capable display devices, 延迟和可靠性都是直播中的重要因素. This case study focuses on a live music event in South America that was streamed on the VDMS Media Ingest platform by Live Media Group (LMG). 我们讨论了为摄取提供低延迟的方法, 存储, 并通过CDN进行传播, 以及LMG采用的可靠性措施.

1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

NDI:它是什么,它是如何工作的, & 为什么它很重要

随着视频节目的分发向互联网协议转移, 只有生产部门也这样做才有意义. 网络设备接口, 或抗利尿, is an enabling technology for live production IP workflows over Ether网 网works, allowing multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP and to encode, 传输, 并接收许多高质量的流, 低延迟, 帧精确的视频和音频实时. This session covers the “how-to/best practices” basics that will allow attendees to learn about what NDI is, 它和其他协议有什么不同, 以及他们如何将其合并到他们的工作流中.

将水, NewTek产品营销总监和视频专家
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

LS104 - Will ka波段,蜂窝键合, & 低轨道卫星彻底改变了直播?

在简要回顾了传统ku波段的工作流程后, 我们将讨论实现ip视频贡献的技术状态. 我们看一下协议, 细胞键合产物, 和ka波段卫星解决方案, 以及未来的解决方案,比如谷歌的LEO星座. 我们考察商业案例:仅靠知识产权能削减成本吗? 它是否简化了工作流程? 它是否足够成熟,足以迫使Ku卡车车队退役?

凯西•布, Gigcasters常务董事
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

LS105 - Planning for Failure: The Essential Step to Achieving Live Streaming Success

They say that to become a world-class athlete, it's important to visualize success. 虽然大小, 范围, 观众, 目标各不相同, 每一场现场活动都有一个共同点:如果观众无法看到它, 这是一个失败. 成为世界级的直播活动执行专家, nothing is more important than visualizing failure and establishing contingency plans at every step in the delivery chain, 从源到编码器, 从信号到CDN, 一直到最终用户的观看平台或设备. This session will share insights and experiences gleaned from hundreds of live events and centered on the premise that focusing on the worst possible outcome is the best way to ensure that outcome never becomes a reality.



10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

LS201 -超越直播:改善观众体验

内容才是王道, but without a compelling viewer experience and Quality of Service and Quality of Experience insights, 即使是最好的内容也无法留住观众. 糟糕的用户体验可能是灾难性的, as disgruntled viewers are quick to take to social media to complain about a poor-quality stream or slow start times. This session looks at ways to avoid those pitfalls and to make sure the entire viewing experience—content, 流质量, 球员, 社交媒体互动是一流的.

主持人: 盖瑞诺姆北美业务发展副总裁-交通
Brenton咳嗽首席执行官 & 联合创始人- Touchstream
Kumar萨勃拉曼尼亚, MediaMelon首席执行官
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

LS202 -直播聚光灯

Content owners behind some of the most innovative live streaming success stories—both live event and live linear—share what they’ve done, 他们是怎么做到的, 以及你能从他们的经历中学到什么.

Live From Intuit, It’s a Global Meeting: Best Practices for Live Streaming Internal Communications
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This session will explore best practices for using live streamed video within a major corporation. 两年多了, Intuit has leveraged Ustream to manage the company's internal video communications across an international workforce. Intuit将分享直播全球会议的重要经验, 日常商务会议, 投资者打来电话, and Ustream will speak to the complex technology required to deliver successful video solutions at scale. Both speakers will explore the wide array of use cases for live-streaming within the enterprise, 以及流媒体技术创新应用的机会.

大卫•马丁, Sr. 经理 & 解决方案架构师- Intuit Events Technology
斯科特变成灰色、WW频道 & 联盟、沃森媒体 & 天气- IBM
为脸谱网 Live创建专业的现场事件流
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

了解来龙去脉, 以及机遇和挑战, 在脸谱网上制作和直播活动. Get practical tips and best practices on how to make the most out of this new and exciting global broadcast channel including how to maximize 观众达到, 和生产的最佳选择.

Hix罗伯特视听合作 & 开明视听高级合伙人
安德鲁·哈雷,产品传道者- Telestream
鲍勃·多伊尔他是“鲍勃·多伊尔秀”(The 鲍勃·多伊尔 Show)的主持人,该节目是脸谱网 live上的每周直播节目
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

LS203 -实时虚拟现实/360°视频:今天 & 明天

VR/360°视频仍处于起步阶段,但发展迅速. 这是一种讲故事的新方式, and the one thing everyone agrees on is that live streaming is w在这里 it’s going to make its biggest mark. This session talks about the opportunities and challenges presented by 360° video, 从技术和内容的角度来看.

主持人: 罗伯特•克鲁格,首席执行官-流媒体托管
兰迪普通, Director of Strategy | Content, Alliances, VR Radeon Technology Group (RTG) - AMD
汤姆·万斯, Jaunt VR叙事内容主管
丰富的威尔逊savi Group首席运营官/VR制作人
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

LS204 -直播的未来

与视频点播相比,直播的发展速度更快,观众的注意力也更持久, 而且这种增长没有放缓的迹象. 本次前瞻性会议将探讨内容类型, 技术, and mo网ization strategies that will lead the way for the next 5–10 years and offers attendees insights into how they can win the live streaming game.

主持人: 米歇尔·亚伯拉罕, Sr. 媒体研究分析师 & 通讯- S&P全球市场情报
扎克带给人, One World Studios联合创始人兼制作人












Watch the 2016 preview below or See videos from previous 流媒体 events by clicking 在这里.

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