Live Streaming Summit

直播没有第二次机会, and so it’s more important than ever to hone your skills and knowledge about how to do it right. 现在是它在流媒体西部的第四年, the Live Streaming Summit covers all things live—tentpole entertainment and sports events, 企业网络直播, 在社交网络上直播, 提供实时线性通道, and more. 峰会涵盖了直播视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, content management & protection, distribution & 交付、分析和事后评估. Live Streaming Summit is a must-attend event for technical and business decision makers whose jobs depend on delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple devices and platforms.

流媒体的直播峰会是美国唯一的直播峰会.S. event to address the highest-level issues and opportunities related to live streaming. This is a must-attend show for technical and business decision makers whose jobs depend on delivering successful large-scale live events and live linear channels online. 

Registration Includes

Live Streaming Summit may be registered for separate OR is included with our All Access and Full Two-Day Conference Pass Option. 欲了解更多有关注册的信息,请 click here.

  • 访问所有直播峰会会议
  • 访问流媒体西部主题演讲
  • 进入探索轨道
  • 清淡的欧陆式早餐,上午和下午休息
  • Lunch on Tuesday
  • VIP Mixer on Monday plus the Happy Hour in the Expo and Beer Garden on Tuesday
  • 流媒体西部博览会入场券

Sponsorship Opportunities

 提供赞助机会. Click here to learn more. 


Tuesday, Nov 13



LS101. Monetizing Live Streams

11月13日星期二上午10:30.m. - 11:15 a.m.

这并不总是关于你的流媒体上有多少眼球. Sometimes you just need the right audience and the right platform to monetize live shows. 但谁愿意为此买单呢? Social media can boost total viewer numbers, but social monetization is still taking shape. Premium content paired with a premium experience can lead to a loyal viewership and more targeted native and branded content advertisers. This group of innovators shares their stories and discusses the successes and failures in monetizing live video.


, CEO and Founder, Streaming Media, THE.LAND and


, Founder and Producer, Adrenaline Garage

, CEO, M2A Media, UK

, 首席产品架构师, Zype


LS102. 最大限度地利用现场百家乐软件

11月13日星期二上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m.

了解如何构建成功流媒体的工具箱, 不管你面临什么样的限制或时间限制. 制作工作通常在几天甚至几个小时内完成. 随着预算的缩减和质量期望的转变, 制作必须比以往更加灵活,成本效益更高. 然而,直到电话响起,你才知道接下来会发生什么. 既然变化是必然的,你怎么能为接下来的事情做好准备呢? This panel discusses spinning up a show quickly and making sure it goes off without a hitch!


, Director of Production, VideoLink and AVI-SPL


, VP, Encoding & Digital Strategy, BC Live Productions

, Principal Strategist, Dillon Media Ventures


LS103. 云中实时生产

11月13日星期二下午1:45.m. - 2:30 p.m.

把你的产品从现场搬到网上, 这个小组讨论的是云中的生产解决方案. No longer is it necessary to own every piece of hardware and software needed to produce professional live shows. Redundancy, automation, switching, and graphics can now be done online rather than on location. 发送到多个目的地, adding overlays, and interactive elements are just some of the options available to today’s live streamers. Learn how to make live streaming easier and more cost effective by leveraging today’s cloud solutions.


, Solutions Architect, M2A Media, UK


, CEO, Easy Live

, Advisor, Singular.Live

, CEO, Switchboard Live


LS104. The New OTT Experience

11月13日星期二下午2:45.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The next generation of live streaming applications is bringing in the new breed of OTT networks. 不管有多少选择,观众似乎只是想要更多的内容. 今天的观众正在成为现场体验的积极组成部分. Interacting with hosts and chatting in the comments can often be just as entertaining as the show itself. Many OTT applications are finding interactivity and low latency more of a requirement than a wish-list item. 如今的OTT玩家正在重新定义什么是平台.


, CMO, Witbe


, 联合创始人、董事长兼首席执行官, STAGE

, CEO, nanocosmos

, Customer Engineering, 谷歌云媒体服务

, 营销与传播副总裁, Nice People at Work (NPAW)


LS105. Live Streaming Spotlights

11月13日星期二下午4点.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Leaders in live streaming present case studies that take you behind the scenes of some of the industry’s biggest success stories. Details announced soon!

4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

, Producer & Co-Founder, LiveX

, Product Manager, Facebook


Wednesday, Nov 14



LS201. Live Content at Scale

11月14日,星期三:上午10:30.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Learn how live video fits into your content strategy and how brands and publishers are using live video to reach their audiences. In a mobile-first, 社会驱动景观, 直播是连接产品与体验的最佳方式. Finding the right approach and the right partners, can enable you to create live content at scale. This panel discusses what it takes to reach your audience wherever they may be and how to deliver a successful marketing campaign through live streaming.


, 销售和业务发展高级副总裁, Brandlive


, VP of Marketing & Strategic Live Events, LiveU

, CEO, First Tube Media

, CEO/Founder, Bulldog DM

, 媒体和娱乐全球主管, Google Cloud


LS202. Live Streaming Spotlights

11月14日,星期三:上午11:30.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Leaders in live streaming present case studies that take you behind the scenes of some of the industry’s biggest success stories. Details announced soon!

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

字幕继续扩展,远远超出了传统电视, 每天通过屏幕接触新的受众, tablets, and smartphones. 每秒钟都有一小时的视频上传到YouTube, 85%的Facebook视频没有声音, companies have taken notice as content providers seek every competitive edge in the battle for viewership. 可访问的在线视频是接触和扩大受众的关键. John Capobianco explains the many approaches to accessible live-streamed media.


, Chief Marketing Officer, VITAC


LS203. Solo Streamers & Social Influencers

11月14日星期三下午1:45.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Today’s solo streamers can stream every minute of their lives and form deep connections with their fans. 许多活动和系列都寻求有社会影响力的人加入, star, 或者甚至是主持,试图建立自己的个人追随者. 重要的是要找到一个与品牌和文化相契合的人. 学习如何利用人才和以下一个单独的流, as well as what it means to be always-on with sometimes multiple live appearances in a single day.


, Owner, PNK Creative Collective


, VP of Livestreaming, The Meet Group

, President and Founder, Quinn社交媒体管理


LS204. Technical Producer Panel

11月14日星期三下午3:15.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Learn how to approach a live production from both the creative and technical sides, 这个小组深入探讨了作为一个现场制作人意味着什么. Successful live shows start with a solid plan, but they’re only as good as their final result. Producers balance stakeholder demands with technical concerns in order to deliver on time and on budget. Learn from live producers as they talk about how they prepare, document, and deliver a live show.


, Head of Production, LiveX


, 技术总监/经理, 现场数字娱乐

, Technical Producer, Suite Spot LLC

, Owner/Technical Producer, BCLive

, Technical Producer, Live Event Production, Production Rockstars and UFC

Tracks & Special Events


Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, and business development executives: This is your home at Streaming Media East. This forward-thinking track offers high-level strategic discussions where you can learn from the best where the online video economy is moving.

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专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. The video ecosystem is a fragmented mix of platforms and devices: Learn from the pros how you can eliminate the bottlenecks and deliver results.

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Live Streaming Summit focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, 以及事后评价.

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OTT Leadership Summit

OTT is the future of television, and this summit is a deep dive into how broadcasters, cable & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值.

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Video Engineering Summit

如果你想深入了解HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, 你来对地方了. 我们的专家演讲者将帮助您将您的视频提升到一个新的水平.

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Sports Streaming Summit

新的体育流媒体峰会将探讨全球广播公司如何, local stations, 新媒体创业公司正在改变体育内容的获取方式, produced, delivered, and viewed, 从小联盟到电子竞技再到世界杯.

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Discovery Track

Sessions in this track are educational and the presentations which typically focus on products and customer case-studies, provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific technologies or vendors. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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流媒体大学 features world class experts delivering content-rich training. This series of workshops at 流媒体西部2018 offers attendees the opportunity to get deep-dive training on online video and streaming technologies and provides the sound theories and practicted techniques to beome a top performer in the online video field.

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